Hey everyone,
We're finally nearing the beginning of the Miami series, we're going to keep this sweet and short since we'd like to get any feedback you have before we release the new chapters and mechanics on the official version of the game.
We'll go through some more things we added in hopes to improve your experience and known issues that we'll be resolving ASAP to improve QOL and overall direction when playing the new chapters.
Art Exhibit on the Beta Branch
The Art Exhibit is the third and final chapter we're adding to the beta branch that'll kick off the Miami Debut, keep in mind that we'll be releasing more chapters throughout the months to come in this Miami expansion. On that note, it's on the beta branch and we're looking for any feedback you have!
If you're experiencing any bugs in the level, performance issues, and overall gameplay struggles, please let us know on any of our socials found at the bottom of this post.
Height Auto-Aim Assist
Auto aiming at enemies placed at different heights is a tough problem to solve for an isometric top-down game, we technically auto-aim based on the current height that the player is at so at certain angles it gets really challenging to understand what the player is trying to aim at- there's a lot of technical details that we could maybe go into in the future if the community is interested.
Cursor aimed at the enemy above
But in reality our system assumes you're aiming at a different spot
Nonetheless, we added an additional measure in a new patch released today to attempt to fix any aim issues that the player may be having on Mouse & Keyboard- no matter what, if your cursor is nearby/on an enemy at a higher/lower elevation than your character, the character should auto-aim at them even with any weird camera perspective issues, thus fixing the above problem.
Please let us know if you have any trouble with this and finding yourself wrangling with aim in this new beta branch update.
We'll be fixing more issues within the next few days as we sprint towards the finish line, we'd appreciate any support/feedback from all of you if you ever have the time!
We haven't been able to fix a few issues just yet though and we're working away on them or keeping them for a future patch, below are some known issues that we'll be looking into resolving.
- In the Cathedral/Art Exhibit, it may be a bit difficult for the player to figure out what to do/where to go, we'll be adding some sort of dialogue system or something of the sort to lead the player
- Some colors are a bit difficult to see for some players, such as enemies through walls- we'll add some customization for this since it can pose as an accessibility issue
- Bug with grappling an enemy and kicking them causes them to attack the player during grapple
- Enemies crouching/staggered are sometimes difficult to hit
- Weird issue if the player has multiple monitors and aims at the edge of their screen, the player's aim would freak out like the window lost focus
- A bug with using the Continue button doesn't stop/mute the main menu music
- Audio not resetting in Chapter 2
- Enemies getting stuck in some spots due to losing navigation (like on the boats in Shipyard)
- When a player is executing an enemy, other enemies can kill/hit the executed enemy
Thanks for reading and we hope you're enjoying the new additions/changes to Suit for Hire, thanks for all the support and patience as we finally get things rolling out!
See you in the next devlog, which should hopefully be when the Miami Debut update begins.
Discuss the game with us and the community on Discord and Twitter. If you want to see the game developed live, catch Crimson on Twitch.
Report any bugs or feedback on our Community Hub.
Changed depots in beta branch