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Project Apocalypse update for 3 September 2023

Update 1.2

Share · View all patches · Build 12099441 · Last edited 3 September 2023 – 14:52:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Project Apocalypse survivors!

I'm excited to introduce a major update that enhances various aspects of your gaming experience. Here's a concise summary of the key changes:

User Interface Overhaul:
  • Completely revamped UI for improved readability, visual appeal, and overall user experience.
Visual and Gameplay Enhancements:
  • Added the Minimap and reworked the Fog of war system.
  • Enhanced player camera control.
  • Introduced new building models for houses and the radio tower.
Gameplay Improvements:
  • Refined AI behavior for both survivors and infected.
  • New Infected Type, the Hunter, a formidable new enemy that hunts survivors.
  • Overall increased game difficulty and challenge for a more engaging experience.
  • Tweaked game balance, including increased resources, resource drops from defeated infected, faster production, and item rebalancing.
  • Improved morale system for survivors, resulting in fewer deaths and better gameplay flow.
Bug Fixes:
  • Extensive bug fixes across various aspects of the game to enhance overall stability and performance. Fixed a lot of critical problems in AI, job management system and save game loading.

I hope I managed to cover most of the issues and problems of Project Apocalypse, which you and I were able to find and report from the launch time. Thank you for your support, feedback, and valuable ideas. This update should make the game better in every aspect and now I can finally continue to work on initially planned Raids and Events, which will be available in one of the next updates.

Warm Regards,
The Project Apocalypse Development Team ;-)

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