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Redmatch 2 update for 3 September 2023

Custom Maps Are Here!

Share · View all patches · Build 12098965 · Last edited 3 September 2023 – 10:52:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Custom Maps

Custom maps are finally here! Players can now create and upload their own maps to the Steam Workshop and play them with other players in-game.

To play Custom Maps, either select Popular Custom Maps from the new Map Pool setting when creating a match:

Or edit the map pool by clicking the Edit button in the top left of the voting menu,

There are already a bunch of cool Custom Maps up on the workshop!

If you're interested in creating your own Custom Maps, check out this tutorial:

Time Trial Leaderboards

After finishing a time trial, you can now see your global rank next to the start! Compete against other players to try to get higher and higher ranks!

Full Update 1.35 Notes


  • Added a new room setting (Infinite Ammo) that is enabled by default.
  • Spectating now has a 5 second cooldown.
  • Players will now have a skull icon on the scoreboard when they are dead or respawning.
  • The death camera will no longer switch to an overhead view if your killer dies.
  • You will now only get a kill for someone killing themself if they die in the next 5 seconds after you damage them, as opposed to indefinitely
  • Entering spectator mode when someone has damaged you recently now counts as a death, but will not kill you unless someone has damaged you in the last 5 seconds.
  • Reduced the orange tint color grading.
  • Muted players can no longer name rooms.
  • Right clicking a map no longer votes for it. Instead, it will give you a dropdown menu when browsing custom maps.
  • Reduced the max match name length from 500 to 30 characters.
  • The language button is now a flag.
  • Once a bullet does 0 damage it won't penetrate more walls anymore.
  • UI tweaks such as increasing the drag threshold and maps require you to release the mouse button to vote.
  • Time trial replays will now have camera rotation. Any replay recorded before this update will not have it though.


  • Time trial replays will now restart or stop when you restart or stop the time trial.
  • You will now stop grappling when you go through a teleport.
  • Removed a feature that enabled mid-air momentum cancelling when grapple gear was disabled to maintain a consistent movement system.
  • Wallbang damage is floored instead of ceiled, meaning it will eventually become 0 instead of how it would always be at least 1.
  • Fixed the emotional support button not working.
  • You can no longer change teams while spectating.
  • Fixed some missing characters in multiple translations.
  • Fixed UI clipping issues when selecting a map.
  • You no longer get a hitmarker when shooting teammates.
  • Fixed a bug where the loading spinner did not respect menu transparency.
  • Fixed a bug where if you were on the main menu when the match started your game would run in slow motion.
Windows 64-bit Redmatch 2 64x Depot 1280771
  • Loading history…
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