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Rune Gate update for 2 September 2023

Patch Note v.086 Weapon System Rework

Share · View all patches · Build 12095977 · Last edited 2 September 2023 – 14:46:39 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Weapon System has been in a lot of players' feedback, for three reasons:

  1. When you invested a lot in a weapon, you don't want to change it, even if it has a "higher quality";
  2. It's very tedious to change weapons, even though you can unload all runes at once, but you still need to equip it one by one;
  3. At the end of the battle, you not only need to claim 3 runes, you also need to upgrade the weapon of every character, it's just too much things to do.

That's why I made the following changes:

  1. Moves will no longer bind to Weapons, they will be linked to your Champions from now on. Weapons still exist, but they only serve two functions: 1. Provide you new moves (same algorithm as before); 2. Gives you higher tier Moves after you switch to a higher tier weapon. I believe this change would make new weapons more usable while maintaining reasonable deck growth. And you no longer need to swap out all your moves.
    Even though the old system gave players more choices at early game, but the core of "deckbuilding" is to build your deck step by step, instead of swap the whole thing out in one go.
  2. Now you can only pick one character to get a new move, instead of all. As a compensate, I'm introducing a "Transform" system, you can now transform your moves into a random move of the same or higher quality. Transform will also be free when you can upgrade your move for free.
    The purpose of this change is to reduce the choices you have to make post battle. Although it affects your deckbuilding to a certain extent, but I believe "Transform" will help alleviate that a little bit. After all, the core of the game is rune customization.
  3. Limiting the move upgrade count to 6. In the meantime, the naming convention for your Moves are now changed: your Move's upgrade count is no longer a Roman Numeral, instead, it will show as a progress on the left side of the card. Strike I and Strike II now means they are of a different tier (Tier C Weapons give Strike I, Tier B Weapons give Strike II).
    The purpose of this change is to make moves more intuitive, and higher quality moves more useful and attractive.

Along with a QoL change: You can now dismantle or switch the gear you get post combat in the result screen.

Other changes are as follows:

  1. The Essence you get for dismantling runes are reduced by halve. The purpose of this system is to remove the runes you don't want, instead of changing all runes to the ones you want;
  2. Reinforcements and Strong Foe will wait for 1 turn when they entered the battle field, to give you time to react;
  3. Augment "Summoner" will now only draw 1 card (too OP).

Fixed a few typos, display issue and crashes.

Thanks for your feedbacks!

Windows 64-bit Depot 2522271
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