We just released update 0.12! This introduces lots of new and improved gameplay features, like a complete overhaul and clearer communication of how Ecosystems and Pollution allow Earth to unlock new questions and Incidents, as well as some balance tweaks and minor bug fixes.
Full changelog:
- Players now receive a turn notification screen in the colour of their role on their mobile device to warn them when it’s their turn.
- Reintroduced the options button in the lobby. This time without game breaking bugs.
- You can now remove players from the Lobby and select a new party leader on the master device.
- Added Game Credits to the main menu
- Added two new unlockable Incidents to Planet Earth.
- Earth’s unlockable Incidents are now unlocked at 67% and 33% Ecosystems and Pollution, instead of only at 50%.
- Earth’s Incidents that are only available when Ecosystems or Pollution is under 66% or 33% will now be available immediately after meeting this condition, instead of only after Earth used another Incident. (Senzi, you’re welcome)
- Unlocked questions and Incidents now show the unlock criteria, and a red outline and fill colour to more clearly differentiate them from regular questions and Incidents.
- Updated the Ecosystems and Pollution’s score bars on the master device, to more clearly communicate the unlock criteria for unlockable questions and Incidents.
- Replaced the role names with player names in the Stage Results and Game Over screen, to make it clearer which player won (role icon still shows which role won).
- Earth’s Influence Scores question at the end of each stage now has a different background image to make it stand out.
- The Game Over screen now has separate SFXs and music depending on whether Earth or Humanity won.
- Improved the names and wording for Nemesis, Stage Results, Crisis Results and Game Over awards.
- Earth now has a unique Nemesis screen, showing which player had the most positive and negative impact on the Population, Ecosystems and Pollution (combined).
Balance changes:
- Slightly nerfed Public and Industry in Hurricane disaster, while buffing Media and Earth.
- Slightly nerfed Earth in Virus disaster.
- Slightly buffed World Leaders and Media in Locust Plague disaster.
Bug fixes:
- Fixed an issue where Earth wouldn’t always have three Incident options to choose from. (again welcome, Senzi)
- Fixed an issue where the music would stop playing when a News Video would bring the Population below or above a threshold where another song starts playing.
- Fixed an issue where the Earth Influence choices in the first tab of the Results Screen would show outdated icons for -8 Population, Ecosystems or Pollution.
- Fixed an issue where the Crisis could trigger in the background of a News Video.
- Fixed an issue where “Power” was called “Influence” in the Power tutorial popup.
- Fixed multiple incorrect News Item voiceovers.
- The Crisis timer on the master device and mobile devices are now more in-sync.
- Many minor fixes to texts and scores.
Changed files in this update