Hey everyone!
Happy Friday! We’re coming at you with the content we promised! Biggest feature this week is art! Get excited to see the new faces of the denizens of Mori Carta because… drum roll
All enemies have art for their portraits!
There is additionally a slew of fixes and of course: a balance pass! We noticed in the numbers that some fights were just brutal. Some of the enemies were just slapping everyone around too much. So we have redesigned some of their fights to be more balanced, and on the whole more interesting!
The druid was also struggling a lot in the numbers, so they got a little more love then the rest. But let’s get a list going!
Source: Cut. Moved to Druid.
Cloak Of Shadows:
It was a bit expensive, 6 -> 4 energy. The material on the cloak isn’t that pricey.
7 -> 5 damage. The jokes were too good, everyone was always laughing too hard.
Blood Rage:
Damage on the left is brought down from 4 -> 2. Bit too easy to slap fools with the free side, and set up some of the stronger but more risky left side damage resonates.
Gain 1 energy added on the left.
Pay 1 -> 2 energy on the right and 3 -> 4 Damage.
Claw wasn’t competing with the other classes' damage cards. So we got him a mani-pedi.
Shaking Earth:
Druid can really struggle when they have no energy, so this card can exacerbate some of the challenges the class faces. It will still cost x, but resonating it will bring you up to 3 energy afterwards, which is good!
Wax & Wane: Moved over from Source on Scholar. Now alternates between sides on upgrade/downgrade. We think this fits well in the Druid, and will help with some of their energy problem
Aesceticism -> Asceticisim. Love those typos.
Enemy Cards:
This occurs across a couple fights, but we were seeing some classes struggle, so we flipped the sides to ease that tension. No other change.
Crushing Descent:
Similarly to Threaten, the orientation of this card was affecting the challenge of this card. So we flipped it.
Armed Echo:
His arms were a bit too much for some classes, and he did the same thing over and over. Now you can slightly block his plethora of marring arms.
Avaricious Banker:
New fight alert! This banker will take you for all your worth!
Caged Captain:
Mr. Captain is now in a Cage! You can choose to let him out. Or fight him inside his cage, which is a little harder to do. Your choice!
Deepwood Shaman:
The elements are a little more durable in this fight, with some increases to energy costs across the board.
Doomed Flock:
A slight number buff on Blood Sacrifice from 7 -> 8 and it’s now slow. The number of sheep has increased and it will take longer to wrangle them. And sadly it will be more painful! :(
Entrenched Swarm:
This guy didn’t have enough nests. Let’s give him a nest for every nest he has.
Grounded Echo:
This fight was a bit overtuned and just kind of a slugfest. Now you can go “blow for blow” and one of you will come out on top a bit faster!
Grudge Echo:
You can now embrace his grudge, leaning into his hatred of you to make it easier to defeat him. His hatred will make you mightier!
Headless Giant:
The second turn, Fall, now has a reshuffle on it. A headless target was a bit too easy to handle for all you pro gamers.
Mori Carta’s resident werewolf wasn’t very threatening. Now he’ll be a bit more so.
Mistveil Current:
We wanted to push the power of River of Sin to the front, so that you have to push through the might and the resilience together!
Phase Swarm:
This fight was a little monotonous, so we added some spice by putting a reshuffle on Underwhelm! Now you won’t know when you’re going to be sent back to the top to be truly overwhelmed by dreadlings!
Pied Piper:
We’re always forgetting about this fight and its challenges, but through sheer happenstance the Piper’s flute got tuned. It should be a little less grating to the ears.
These guys were getting trounced by the scholar. But they learned to not listen anymore. Ignorance is bliss, and makes beating scholars easy.
Smiling Echo:
His disturbing smile is now cursed as well! But if you jump into the deep end, you might come out the other side unscathed.
The Hulks:
There is a pod of hulks that are all rivals with each other. But they all agreed that they should work on themselves a bit more, so now they are a bit tougher. Where they would have added just one card they now add two.
Bran’s tasty, tasty trail rations are now, in fact, delectable and will heal more.
We wanted to send a little love to our resident Doctor. Players should feel a bit healthier while helping Ker out.
And that's the patch! Thanks for playing Mori Carta! If you haven't yet, tell all your friends about the steam Steam Strategy Fest sale that's going on right now!
Until next time,
The Nevergreen Team
Changed files in this update