Hi Everyone. For those of you who don't know me I'm Brylos the lead developer of Pro Soccer Online. As many of you know the game has been stagnant in terms of updates for a while now. This is due to a few things; me being burnt/checked out of dev work, biting off more than I could chew with the overhauls I was implementing. I have decided to scrap the major overhauls that were planned that you can see in previous news/announcements, and instead accept and work to improve the current art style in terms of player models, stadiums and UI.
To get the ball rolling again with updates and get me back into the flow of working on the game I have put together a small gameplay update. We've been testing it for about 2 weeks now and I think we've found the sweet spot for the gameplay mechanic changes. It fixes some things and hopefully should optimize gameplay overall. The plans afterwards are to improve the multiplayer match UI, and then either switch to improving player models and/or stadiums, if not that then work on the team based gamemode that is planned.
Hope you guys like it. Further tweaks will be made if needed. Here are the changes:
- Reworked touch slowdown programming to work more consistently, fix abusable bugs related to it, and added smaller touch slowdown when not sprinting.
- Reworked kick (mouse 1) charge pattern to reduce it's usability for dribbling.
- Reworked dribble (mouse 2) charge and power to be a bit harder to keep the ball close to your feet. This should punish overdribblers and make the game a bit more team/passing focused.
- Reworked juggle (middle mouse) charge and power.
- Reverted to full WASD diving for goalkeeping. The goalkeeper now has full directional control over what height he dives at with WASD keys. The hitbox has been reduced in size and dive length was slightly reduced to go along with this change. It should make the goalkeeping more skillful and realistic.
- Changed some code to reduce the frequency of fouls occuring from slide tackles.
- Buffed slide tackle hitboxes slightly.
- Slightly increased ball gravity.
Be sure to join the official discord to get involved with the community, hear the latest news and give feedback: discord.gg/prosocceronline
Changed files in this update