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Fantasy Survivors update for 1 September 2023

Update 76 - Artisans

Share · View all patches · Build 12092611 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 22:19:08 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hi all,

We've added artisans to the game. You unlock them when you buy a playable character, e.g. Brumik the gem cutter. Artisans normally perform a service for a fee but can also trade with you.

  • Artisans can be found in the Workshop from the Character Selection screen.
  • You can only see the Workshop icon once you reach Survivor level 3.
  • Added Brumik the gem cutter who appraises crystals to produce marbles, crystal dust and gems. The chances of finding a marble or gem is 15% each, leaving 70% for finding crystal dust.
  • Artisans have to take breaks to recuperate. Brumik can appraise 20 times before he's exhausted. He rests during gameplay time.
  • Added a "sell 10" button to the Stash. Can be used to sell materials faster.
  • Since Brumik was looking a bit lonely in the big workshop we also added Esme the material trader. She doesn't trade yet but we plan to complete that feature soon.
  • Wording of the "Marble Madness" achievement was changed to indicate that it refers to dropped marbles.

Note that gems, similar to marbles and crystal dust, cannot be sold.
Also, a quick reminder that the Miner hireling harvests crystals.
I hope you enjoy the artisans feature and happy crystal hunting!

Till later,

Windows Depot 2220871
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