1.116 (Resistance Supplies)
-Fixed a bad on-board printer interaction.
-Fixed a problem with several late game mission help comms.
-Fixed some unintended interactions between randomized runs and ship unlocks.
-Fixed missing help comms on some objects.
-Fixed a destruction scenario where mine trigger ranges would not be cleaned up correctly.
-Fixed utility torp range modifier not taking effect after launch.
-Fixed selecting Wizzard Bright disabling afterburner on other ships.
-Fixed player deflector destabilization also affecting other deflectors.
-Fixed a problem with strafe speed calculation.
-Fixed some problems with using ROD TUR on the title screen.
-Fixed ROD TUR not being valid target for tripwire.
-Fixed a problem with ship initialization during final mission.
-Fixed some typos.
-Clarified some unlock conditions.
1.118 (Resistance Supplies)
-Fixed some bad formating on WHISPER CHIP force composition section.
-Fixed player LP not updating when consuming ships.
-Fixed comms blackout messenger ships not jumping out correctly.
Changed files in this update