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From The Depths update for 1 September 2023

3.7.3 Stable

Share · View all patches · Build 12091818 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 20:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Stable 3.7.3

Simple weapons, It is now possible to remove a built-in shell type from the simple weapons UI [BUGS-4214].
Simple weapons, Removing a built-in shell type from the ammo controller UI will now be properly processed in the simple weapons UI.
Simple weapons, Editing a deleted/destroyed shell type is not possible anymore.

Plasma cannons, Build guide and prefabs added.
Plasma cannons, Added short names for localisers.
Plasma cannons, Weight of all plasma components halved.
Plasma cannons, Fixed some descriptions.
Plasma cannons, Damage variance increased to 70-115%. For most of testing it was 70-110% and later went down to 50-110% and then 20-120% (currently). 70-115 means smaller projectiles do slightly more damage and larger ones do slightly less. Originally didn't want to buff small since without overkill its very similar to APS and APS should be the default generic with plasma focusing on anti armour. After review though it was too in favour of large than small.
Plasma cannons, Added damage falloff to tooltip.

AI, Some textures and meshes have been changed to make them easier to identify. An alternate camera 90 mesh is available with a base plate. If you want to discuss these further please do so in the alphatest channel of the discord. I'll ask Alma to keep an eye out. Constructive only please.

Typos, Many typos fixed, thanks for the reports.

Blocks, Rubber poles weren't immune to collision damage like other rubber blocks.

Windows 32-bit From The Depths Windows Depot 268651
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macOS From The Depths Mac Depot 268652
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Windows 64-bit From The Depths Windows 64 Depot 268654
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Linux From The Depths Linux 64 Depot 268655
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