Hey there!
We’re here to make your life in Dust Bowl much easier - managing a whole gas empire would be difficult without help of your employees, wouldn’t it? Well, the news is that with the upcoming Employee Update things are about to get much smoother - today we’re talking about a whole new Scheduling System.
Grab yourself some coffee or tea, and let’s roll!
UI-wise we decided to make it clear and simple - no excel spreadsheets, no meetings that could’ve been an e-mail, no corporate atmosphere. Just you, your employees, and your task manager.
Starting with the left side, you can access all the info about your employee - it’s important to get to know them better, right?
Other than their backstory, you can also access your employee’s skill levels here - how convenient!
Next up we have those two buttons:
The orange one sends your employee back to their camper - let’s say Riccardo get’s stuck. What do I do? I just press the button resetting his position, so he can get back to work.
The red button can be used to fire your employee whenever you’re not happy with them - damn, let’s hope you won’t have to use it.
And here’s our favorite part of the whole system - task management:
You can task your employee with two different actions at a time - the upper one will have a higher priority, which means the lower one will be executed once the employee is done with the other activity.
In this example Riccardo will be fueling cars whenever there’s a client waiting to get it done - if nobody’s waiting, he’ll be repairing cars instead.
IMPORTANT: You can see a little checkbox next to the tasks - it allows you to activate and deactivate actions. If both of the actions are inactive, the employee will return to their camper. Deactivating the action with the higher priority automatically deactivates the other activity as well.
Now, for the finance-management part, we have employee’s salary. Whenever they are doing their job, they accumulate a certain amount of money they will have to be paid whenever they go on a break in order for them to come back to work.
The yellow button with a star means you can give your employee a bonus that will replenish their stamina bar and allow them to work overhours.
And last, but not least - we have two different shifts now!
Here you can choose whether the employee is gonna work night shifts or day shifts on your station (or both if you give them a bonus salary).
On the right side you also can see how much you have to pay your employee at the end of their shift - if the checkbox is ticked, the game will automatically pay the salary with your funds.
And that’s it for today! Stay tuned for the rest of the devlogs regarding The Employee Update!
By the way, you should definitely check out our Airstrip DLC, and also Car For Sale Simulator if you want to have some more time while waiting for the Employee Update!
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All the best,
DRAGO entertainment Team
Changed depots in qa-branch branch