This update adds the following....
- New version of the Viper - the AH-1Z Viper CRS which has the "Cobra Radar System" mounted on its left wing. Yes, it is a real thing - I had no idea! Thanks to tuivel for sending over some information.
Please note that information on the CRS is extremely limited - basically a couple of pictures and a very brief PDF document so it is really a "best guess"!
The Viper CRS costs 140 DP which is 10pts less than the Apache "D" seeing as it loses a wingtip mount. However, it does gain the same Radar system and has the ability to equip radar Hellfires!
New sound effect for the Viper's turret
New sound effect for the Apache's turret
New sound effect for the 20mm canon pod
Viper's turret now has a higher rate of fire which is much closer to its real world maximum fire rate.
Fixed the LOD levels of the APKWS rocket when mounted in its pod so that the rocket body is no longer invisible!
All missiles should now move more smoothly when in flight.
Changed depots in enemyhelicopters branch