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Mutants: Genesis update for 1 September 2023

Update 0.5.9 - Patch Note

Share · View all patches · Build 12089241 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 13:59:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Update 0.5.9 - Patchnote


You can check out the complete balance patch here:
[url= style=button][/url]

Game reconnection

Improved game stability when losing connection during a game.
Fixed various bugs that would appear if you lost your connection during a game.


Players with no rank are now displayed correctly in the leaderboard.


Fixed a bug that prevented a friend's duel invitation from being displayed.
Fixed a bug that prevented a friend from being re-invited to a duel after having done so once.


Fixed text errors on various cards.

Hephaistos: Other mutants who have Ignite thanks to its Vulcan Hammer ability now apply the effects of Burn correctly.
Parasite Queen: She no longer summons a parasite when the opponent plays a mutant, as indicated in her effect.
Revivify: The card works as expected again.
Devourer: Its effect now activates only once per turn, even if it has evolved during the turn.

Correction of various FX that did not display normally

Known issue

If there is a brief connection failure at the start of a game, the game is visually broken during the first turn (Player might think it's their turn even if it's the opponent's turn, for example). All is restored at the end of the first round.

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