Welcome to Brawl Tactics: Origins first Early Access patch! Improving many things from day 1! Let's see what's in store!
- You can now view your deck while picking a card to add.
- You can now move the camera with WASD and the arrow keys!
- Now non-stackable trinkets no longer appear if you already have them. Almost all trinkets stack, but there are a select few that don't.
- The Forge has been considerably buffed. Upgrades cost less overall, their cost doesn't scale anymore for most of them and many give more stats.
- Card rewards no longer appear naturally in normal combats. Just in elites and bosses for now to reduce the excessive card item snowball until more cards get added. You can still find cards in events and shops, and normal combats still give crystals and level ups.
- Bug fix: Smoke Bomb's effect wears off in the same turn in which it was used, rendering it useless.
- Bug fix: The knockback effect of Heavy Impact could be used without paying mana.
- Bug fix: Rogue Dagger wasn't preventing evasion damage.
Changed files in this update