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Heliopolis Six update for 1 September 2023

Weekly News

Share · View all patches · Build 12088986 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 19:09:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Moin Moin

We are back again! Hopefully the last weeks were as relaxing for you as they were for us.

In the last two weeks we were able to fix some bugs in the game, most of which were found by you. Thanks for the bug reports here, they really mean a lot to us.

We have also changed the algorithm that optimizes the flow of fluid resources through the station. The model we use has always been based on the Euler equations of fluid dynamics and we have now incorporated the influence of momentum. The end result is that changes propagate faster and resources get where they need to go faster.

Until now, the flow of resources through pipes and cables was also calculated this way. But there should always have been another system. That is what has happened now. The maximum flow through the pipes and cables is still limited, but it is calculated directly between the connected storages. So it doesn't matter how long the pipe or cable is (which is not the case for the flow through the station), the resources are much faster. Thus, the pipes and cables are even more important for larger stations.

Next, we would like to take on resident micromanagement. We've gotten a lot of feedback that managing residents and their jobs is too much and too unclear.
The assignment of residents will happen automatically, but you will still be able to manually control who works where.
The assistance system will probably be dropped and the corresponding bonuses (e.g. automatic repair) will be permanently available.
There will also soon be a new view that visualizes resource flows.

If you have any ideas for changes or improvements, feel free to contact us.
See you next week.

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