Players! It's been 18 months!
I can't stress how powerful yesterday was, we launched the game after 18 months of development. The moment we published the page and the game went live was a moment that's equal parts scary and awesome. The floodgates were opened and it was time to race against the clock and make sure we were fixing the game (without breaking it) as reports of issues and bugs started coming in.
This was the first time we were launching a larger game on steam, the first time we were in the position where all of the responsibility lied on our shoulders, we know what the product is, but we have yet to find out what the world thinks of it, and that's that, here we go!
This is a post putting all of the updates we've pushed since launch together, the changelog below outlines all of the changes which are now live.
Thank you all for reporting issues, playing the game and showing support, we very much appreciate it!
- ADDED: Dungeon upgrade icons
- ADDED: Arrows indicating a sword should be picked up in the sword room
- CHANGED: Boss Loop energy wave damage reduced
- CHANGED: 2 of the 3 trader stats are hidden now
- CHANGED: Overall dungeon economy balancing
- CHANGED: Healing items spawn too low
- CHANGED: Lower the maximum number of inhabitants that can be spawned
- UPDATED: Upgrade values
- FIXED: Boxes do not fall when the ones below them get destroyed in one hit
- FIXED: Numerous collider issues
- FIXED: Wrong spelling on upgrades
- FIXED: Wrong links in the credits section
- FIXED: Coffee quote text area overflow
Update screenshots
Swords now show animated arrows, making it clearer to know that they're meant to be picked up
upgrade icons have been added as the most requested feature
Changed files in this update