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Depersonalization update for 1 September 2023

1.4.22 Update Optimization & 1.5 Text Module Editor Beta Version

Share · View all patches · Build 12088459 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 13:09:13 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

1. Regular Update Description

Hi! Hi! Fellow investigators! (pop up
Since the last major release, we've maintained a weekly update schedule. We've adjusted our development plan. Instead of releasing a major version several months apart, we've kept a regular update frequency.

There are 3 main reasons for this:

  1. Update the optimization from your feedback regularly. Avoid having to wait until the next big version for changes.
  2. Relieve some development pressure. Spreading the update to small weekly phases, instead of preparing months for one version.
  3. Keep you guys updated as the game's continuously crawling towards the official release

We'll be doing two updates this week. In addition to yesterday's regular Thursday update, today's update is 1.5 version of the text module editor (beta). Please give us some more feedback! Much appreciated!

【Editor tutorial (read-only)】

【Bug & Optimization Feedback (Collection Form)】:

2. 【text module editor (beta)】 start method

Since the editor is still in the pre-testing phase, we have placed it under the test branch to avoid any possible impact on the official version.
We plan to start with a testing period of two to three weeks, then place it in the official version when it stabilizes (mid to late September).
Due to the unstable environment of the test, the content produced by investigators during the test period may not be fully preserved and inherited to the official version. If there are missing/crashing and other error reporting problems at the time, you can drop feedback through discord. We will arrange our programmer to troubleshoot.

The editor launches as follows:

The current text module editor is relatively basic. There are functions such as to replace game resources, modify existing configurations, quickly create modules, etc. Next we'll be adding new features and keep on updating, all the way to a full version, freely-created editor.

3. Patch Notes v1.4.22

【New Optimization】

  1. Added 73 Steam achievements
  2. Translation update for module Moonshade Monolith
    【Bug Fixes】
    1.Optimized the display of icon from lead page and detailed titles
    2.Fixed the bug that consecutive attacks with Ghoul Constitution were not triggering properly
    3.Fixed the bug that the Epilogue state of the King in Yellow's incarnation was not switching to the Prelude state properly
    4.Teammates who have been taken down can no longer trigger the aid action
    5.Fixed the bug that Nora and the Bloated's decapitation would be triggered in the wrong circumstances

Changed depots in visualeditor_test branch

View more data in app history for build 12088459
Windows Depot 1477071
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