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志怪者 update for 1 September 2023

Version 1.0.2 update announcement

Share · View all patches · Build 12087459 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 09:59:16 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Dear investigators, we have completed the update version 1.0.2, the specific update is as follows:

● Fixed related issues that could cause server connection failures.
● Fixed an issue that caused players to log in to the wrong account under certain circumstances.
●Added sound effects when dice play "Critical Success" and "Fate".
● Fixed an issue where dropped objects became other dropped objects after being picked up in certain circumstances, which caused some important items to disappear permanently due to drops.
● Fixed the issue of UI animation processing exception in specific cases. This issue causes the survey point related button click to become unresponsive for a period of time.
●Replaced with a new BGM for the "Journey To The Deep" scripted boss battles.

●Questions related to the script of "Karma Resistance":
○ Fixed several copywriting errors;
○Added opening and ending dubbing in Chinese Simplified languages;
○ Optimization of some areas may cause the problem of model stuck;
○ <Calling back the soul>Levels: Optimize the probability of random events for lost soul interactions.

○ <Red Sha>Levels:
■ Optimize the probability of random events in guests' drinking interactions;
■ Fixed the issue that the removal card of the encounter event "Little Ghost" did not take effect;
■ Fixed the problem that the "Red Envelope" could not be removed after being drawn;
■ Fixed the problem that treasures given by the encounter event "Red Envelope" entered the deck;
■ Fixed the issue that the "Inquiry" of the encounter event could not be removed after being drawn;

■ Fix <Sword - Seize the Opportunity★>the problem that the verification plate has no entry effect;
■ Repair<Thunder Whip★★★>, <Peachwood Greatsword ★★★>and other problems where weapons cannot be replenished for durability;
■ Modify the effect of some fire trick cards;
■ Optimize <Warm Current★><Rock Barrage★★★>the Thunder Card settlement algorithm to avoid taking too long;

●Questions about the script of " Night of the Mysteries ":
○ Optimized the area division of some rooms;
○Added opening and ending dubbing in Chinese Simplified languages;
○ Fix the <Alien Hunter>error in the rule description: the hunter can only take 1 damage at a time, which should be 2 points;
○ Fixed <Mother Spider><Maternal Love>an issue where cards could not be used against adult spiders that were boosted by growth pheromones;
○ <Mother Spide>Revised the rule description to add 3 new rooms where fuel can be obtained;
○ Fix <In one go>the problem of invalid ability;
○ Fix <Slip Away>the problem of invalid ability;
○ Ability <Kung Fu Comedy>effect adjustment, remove the limit of up to 3 damage;
○ The <Treasure Hunter>effect of the ability has been adjusted to gain 2 movement power;
○ Optimized the cards to choose from when dice "Great Success" and "Fortune" in this script, replacing those cards that do not match the scene.
○ New cards: , <Nitro Skateboard><YeahBuddy Nitro Pump><Massage Oil><Expired Pills><Adrenaline>,<Mind Control>

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