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HumanitZ update for 18 September 2023

HumanitZ Early Access Launches Today!

Share · View all patches · Build 12087344 · Last edited 18 September 2023 – 17:59:25 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Hey Survivors!

It’s the day we’ve all been waiting and preparing for - the apocalypse is finally upon us!

HumanitZ is officially launching into Early Access today, and we couldn’t be more stoked. 🎉

Before we jump into the chaos of the apocalypse, we want to send a massive shoutout to all you amazing survivors who’ve been with us every step of the way. We are beyond grateful for your support - you rock!

We’re incredibly excited to see how you thrive in the world we have crafted. Whether you’re battling zeeks, forming alliances, or surviving alongside your fellow survivors, your experiences, stories and feedback during Early Access will be instrumental in shaping the final version of the game. If you encounter any bugs or have suggestions, we’re all ears.

Being a small indie studio, we get how mighty the power of the community can be, and you can help support us in a few ways:

🧟Spread the Love: Tell your family, friends, and even your fave streamer about our game. Your word-of-mouth magic can help more survivors find their way to us.

🧟 Steam Review Magic: After you spend some time in our post-apocalyptic world, consider leaving a review on Steam. Your thoughts will not only help potential survivors but also keep our spirits high as we keep enhancing the game.

🧟 Social Media Squad: Share our news on social media.

No pressure though! We’re just thrilled to have you here with us, whether you’re battling zeeks, crafting gear or just hanging out. Join our fellow survivors on our Discord, where you can report any bugs, share your thoughts and provide feedback on the game.

Follow us on our official Twitter for more updates and news.

Stay Vigilant, Stay Alive

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