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War Thunder update for 1 September 2023

39.M Csaba: The Youngest Son

Share · View all patches · Build 12087082 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 10:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

The 39.М Csaba armored car is the first researchable vehicle of the Hungarian armored vehicles lineup!

39.М Csaba, light tank, Italy, rank I


  • High forward and reverse speed.
  • Limited magazines of the 20mm anti tank rifle.
  • Lightly armored.

The 39.M Csaba armored car will start the research of a new Hungarian lineup of armored vehicles as part of the Italian ground vehicles research tree. Meet the Csaba, a fast little scout with an independent suspension and a 20mm cannon. Let’s take a look!

The Csaba has a good power-to-weight ratio, and thanks to its 90 HP Ford engine, allows it to accelerate up to 65 km/h on paved roads when driving forward… and also in reverse!

As for firepower, the main caliber weapon that is featured on the Csaba is a licensed version of the 20mm Swiss QF 36.M Solothurn anti-tank rifle. This gun is magazine fed, which can be equipped with both armor piercing and high-explosive fragmentation shells. These AP shells will work well against enemy light vehicles, however with not the highest rate of fire and small magazine size of 5 shells, you’ll need to aim precisely at an enemy's important internal components, such as the ammo or crew.

The armor on the Csaba is only bulletproof, and as a result of this, in almost all areas except the forehead of the hull, the Csaba can be penetrated by the fire of heavy machine guns as well as enemy anti-tank guns. These types of weaponry will pierce through with ease.

The addition of the exciting 39.M Csaba means that it will open the way for you to explore Hungarian armored vehicles. That’s all for now — come and drive them, there are lots of interesting things ahead!

Changed depots in release_candidate branch

View more data in app history for build 12087082
Windows Linux War Thunder Content Depot 236391
macOS 64-bit War Thunder Mac Depot 236392
Linux 64-bit War Thunder Linux Depot 236393
Windows War Thunder Win Depot 236394
Windows Linux 64-bitDLC 1945840 War Thunder - Ground Forces High-res Texture Pack (1945840) Depot Depot 1945840
Windows Linux 64-bitDLC 1945841 War Thunder - Air Forces High-res Texture Pack (1945841) Depot Depot 1945841
Windows Linux 64-bitDLC 1945930 War Thunder - Environment High-res Texture Pack (1945930) Depot Depot 1945930
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