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Against the Storm update for 1 September 2023

Hotfix 0.58.3 (Seal generation, Into the Ruins)

Share · View all patches · Build 12086505 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 08:46:07 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
Greetings, Viceroys!

One day, we'll release an update that doesn't require a hotfix. But it's not today!

Despite our great efforts, some bugs slipped our attention, but they should now be corrected when you download the latest hotfix:

  • Fixed a bug that caused the Seal to sometimes not appear in the correct glade. Unfortunately, this won't fix the current Sealed Forest game.
  • Fixed a bug with a missing objective description in the Into the Ruins timed order.
  • Fixed an issue with the working effect of the Drainage Mole glade event not applying to the Harvesters' Camp.
  • Fixed a small typo in the in-game update news section.

If you were affected by the Seal generation error, you can message us at and we'll try to manually finish the game for you and recreate the conditions for the Sealed Forest run in the next Cycle. The reply time may vary depending on the number of messages we receive. We're sorry for the trouble!

Thank you for your swift reports and support. We wish you a great time with the new update and a relaxing weekend.

May the storm be gentle on you,
Eremite Games

The current game version is 0.58.3.


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