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Gaia Trek update for 1 September 2023

Gaia Trek V1.0.11 Hotfix Patch Log

Share · View all patches · Build 12085603 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:07:36 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hotfix Patch

  1. Fixed an issue that caused the game to flash back abnormally
  2. Fixed the problem that 4 layers of swarms will be changed to 3 layers immediately when they are injured
  3. Fixed the problem that the monster skills in the battle area will be loaded repeatedly when reading the file, causing the passive skills to take effect more than once. 4. fixed the problem that the belligerent effect is not affected by the emotional equipment.
  4. Fixed the issue that militancy effect is not affected by emotion equipment. 5. fixed the issue that friendly skill effect is calculated.
  5. Fixed the problem of inconsistency between in-field and out-of-field range when calculating the distance of friendly skill effects. 6. modified the description of attack speed.
  6. Modify the description of attack speed, now the attack speed is shown as the number of attacks in 1s.
  7. control the distance of the teleportation effect to add the upper limit, no longer able to teleport monsters outside the combat area
  8. Remove the setting that doubles the speed of the monster's backward movement after fear and replace it with normal speed.
  9. Knockback, Fear and other effects will no longer control the enemy out of the battle area.
Thank you very much for your support for gaia trek, we have now updated many bugs and optimizations. Feel free to leave your review on Steam, your feedback is always welcome!

Keep an eye out for the next update, we appreciate your continued support!

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