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Jumplight Odyssey update for 1 September 2023

Hotfix 0.1.1-p1 Is Live!

Share · View all patches · Build 12084800 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 04:09:15 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello Captains,

Last night, emergency transmissions were sent to the Bridge detailing a water crisis aboard your ships!

The Problem was identified as: Crew not drinking from the Soda Machines, leading to them dropping dead from Dehydration.

The Soda Machine traffic jam is something we’ve quickly identified as happening in all games since yesterday’s patch, and has only been mitigated with use of the Tea and Coffee Machines to hydrate crew instead.

(Please let us know if you’re Team Coffee or Team Tea in replies, this has sparked a very fiery debate!)

This morning we’ve rallied together as a team to put out a Hotfix to address this immediately. You should be able to update your client now and hydrate your thirsty crew.

The Great War on Soda Machines has ended! (For now…)

It is really important to note that Crew AI still has a long way to come with taking care themselves in an effective and manageable way for you, the Captain. The issue with the AI is both incredibly complex and also built into all of our systems in a way that’s more difficult to solve than what we’ve untangled in the last three updates. With that being said, it is at the very top of our radar, and we will continue to chip away at it in every update until we’re satisfied it’s working as smoothly as intended!

This Hotfix will specifically solve the problem of Crew dropping dead from thirst despite a Soda Machine being in arm’s reach, and will restore the Crew to how they interacted with the Soda Machines prior to this recent patch. This means its likely there will be some lingering issues with Crew having a really loose grasp on their own mortality that are unrelated to the issue we’ve fixed today. We appreciate your patience while we continue to work through the Early Access kinks.

Every time y’all comment on these updates with kind words, we screenshot them and add them to a big digital board so the whole team can see. So thank you for keeping our little team going with your positive words! It means the world to us.

Thank you again,

Kindofsquishy and the LoG Team <3

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