We hope everyone has been having a fun time with 1.4.4 tModLoader! We are happy to see that a large majority of popular mods have already been updated to work with the latest tModLoader. In fact, over 85% of all mods by subscriber count have made it to 1.4.4 tModLoader already.
Over the last month the tModLoader team and our amazing contributor community have been hard at work fixing bugs and other issues. This months update focuses on bug fixes. We also managed to greatly improve the in-game workshop performance, please check it out.
Modders: Next month tModLoader will add many new exciting features, such as Builders Toggles, Emote Bubbles, World Headers, Rubblemaker support, and a reworked NPC buff immunity system, so modders should take the opportunity this month to experiment with these features on the preview beta branch, preview-v2023.08, prior to their release. You'll need to switch to this new beta branch even if you were previously in preview-v2023.07. In addition, there are other changes that might break your mods, so be sure to test your mods and publish an update on preview before October if needed.
As always, if you encounter any issues, please reach out in our Discord.
New Changes' Highlights
Re-design Mod Browser & Back-end by Solxan, DarioDaF, and Chicken-Bones
• Revamps the Mod Browser UI to be significantly faster & streamlined
Bug Fixes
Gameplay Fixes
Destructor_Ben - Fix some walls dropping the incorrect item
ThomasThePencil - Fix a few armor stat bonuses
Destructor_Ben - Fix Search in the duplication menu
JavidPack - Fix Terrarian not getting Legendary prefix
JavidPack - Fix Grand Design not dropping wire directly into player inventory
JavidPack - ModHair is not showing for other other players in multiplayer
JavidPack - Fix some shop items not having material tooltip line
QOL and Other Fixes
Chicken-Bones - Fix game to launch on MUSL/Alpine Linux
Destructor_Ben - Config Elements state if they required a reload
Destructor_Ben - Fix Mod Icon inconsistencies
Solxan - Auto Enable Dependency Mods on Reload
Solxan - More fixes for mod organization
Solxan - Fix more issues with workshop icons
Solxan - Fix a GOG workshop issue
JavidPack - Clarify UI messages for outdated mods
JavidPack - Fix issue preventing tModLoader from running in Snap sandbox
API Fixes
JavidPack - Fix tModPorter meleeCrit typo
JavidPack - Fix ExampleHerb to work with Acorn Axe
BasicallyIAmFox - Fix MonoModHooks.DumpILHooks always throwing
Destructor_Ben - Prevent modders from accidentally publishing dev-built mods on stable
Destructor_Ben - Tile Documentation
NeonCube - More Documentation
We recently started localizing the store page and workshop tags. We are also lacking a great deal of in-game translations for several languages still. If you are interested in translating these, please get in contact with us on Discord to ask how to contribute translations or visit the tModLoader wiki for instructions.
Changed depots in preview-v2023.08 branch