[Version 4.0.8] vrm 1.0 support
I updated VRoid SDK to v0.3.0 and UniVRM to 0.113.0.
And so, now VRM Posing Desktop can import vrm1.0.
If you don't need 1.0 update, you can use prev version(4.0.7) from this URL.
Changes due to the UniVRM10 impact
Due to MToon10 specifications, shadow color and appearance may differ from MToon when importing Series 0 models.
Related UniVRM issues.
ShadeColor is not multiplying in MToon10
https://github.com/vrm-c/UniVRM/issues/2037 -
In VRM 1.0, I would like the influence from light sources to be the same level as the old Shader (VRM/MToon).
Other changes compared to version 4.0.7 include
Deleted the ability to limit the wind function's area of influence to hair only.
When using the Save Camera Transform or Save Scene functions in previous versions, characters and Props will be flipped 180 degrees. I apologize for the inconvenience, but please re-save the scene or camera with the new version.
Update Schedule
I want to support VRM Animation format as pose, for which a draft has recently been released.
The update schedule is maintained at the following URL
I hope VRM Posing Desktop will be useful for your creative activities.
Changed files in this update