- I changed the amount of cooking slots from 1 to 4 in the basic campfire.
- You can now use empty bottle to collect clean water from ponds.
- Animal rawmeat, fat, cooked meat and smoked meat are now stackable (3).
- Bear health has been lowered from 1000 to 600.
- Deer health has been lowered from 350 to 300.
- You can now make 15 planks at a time in the Basic Saw Banch.
- Planks and beams size in the inventory has been reduced to 1 x 3 slots.
- I reduced the amount of resources needed to craft benches and change the size and weight in the
player inventory. - Changed a few things in the benches UI.
- And a few more things.
The ISLE Survival update for 31 August 2023
Mini Update
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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