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Scribble It! update for 1 September 2023

Art Contest "Jungle" is now live!

Share · View all patches · Build 12080006 · Last edited 1 September 2023 – 18:09:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

🌿🎨 Attention all artists and nature enthusiasts! 🐾🖌️

We are thrilled to announce the launch of our upcoming Art Contest themed "Jungle," starting on September 1st, 2023! 🌴🦁 Embark on a creative expedition into the heart of the wild and untamed, and let your artistic expressions flourish amidst lush greens and vibrant fauna. 🌳🐒

Whether you wield a paintbrush, pencil, camera, or digital stylus, we invite you to capture the breathtaking beauty and mystique of jungle landscapes, the exotic creatures that call them home, and the hidden wonders waiting to be unveiled.

For all the details and guidelines, make sure to drop by our Discord server. Connect with fellow artists, share ideas, vote for the next contest's theme, and be the first to celebrate the winners of this thrilling competition!

Dazzling prizes await those who manage to astound both our panel of judges and our community. So mark your calendars, let your creativity run wild, and get ready for an artistic journey through the heart of the "Jungle."

See you in the jungle 🌿🎨

Windows 64-bit Scribble It! Win64 Depot 1088153
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macOS Scribble It! Mac Depot 1088155
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Linux Scribble It! Linux Depot 1088156
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