Greetings Voiders,
Please report any bugs on the Official Devoid Prototype Discord.
Its also a great place to tell us what you like, dislike and would like to see in the Void.
Bug Fixes in 0.7.8
- Target Gui arrow is visible on the vanity camera.
- Ship inventory not respecting size when transferring from Cargo Hold.
- Fixed skill description for ‘Overcharge’ skill.
Changes in 0.7.8
- Removed Thermal Blasters Mk1 from Equipment Fabricate menu as it is still in development.
- Codex Entry added: “Gameplay Tips -> Vanity Camera”.
- Tweaked AI difficulty. (Based on Star System Threat Level).
In Progress 0.7.8+
- Improvements to graphics, lighting, and colors. (would appreciate your feedback)
- Additional Codex Entries.
- Some rare cases of save corruption. (saves can be repaired, last occurrence in 0.7.6)
- Some cases of missing market item icons. (having trouble reproducing)
We appreciate all your feedback and support!
Safe Travels.
Changed files in this update