Hello, I am Ferry, in charge of graphics for DEFENDAN.
I'm here to inform you about the updates in the version released on 08/31, 2023.
-Udambala's attack effect adjustment
-Scourge charge effect adjustment
-Display Silencer Reaper's silence cooldown
-Elite monster health bar position adjustment
-Infinite mode can be played at 4x speed
-Infinite mode monster spawn changes:
5 monsters per round followed by a 5s wait → 10 monsters per round followed by a 10s wait
-Infinite mode bonus box gold requirement adjustment:
600G → 400G
-Half Divine Half Evil
Attack Power: 4 → 6
Subsequent Attack Power: 1 → 2
Max Attackable Enemies: 7 → 4
Attack Animation Time: Decreased by 2.5x
[Skill] Cooldown: 7 → 4
[Skill] Max Attackable Enemies: 2 → 4
[Skill] Cooldown: 25 → 32
Attack Power: 3 → 2
(Only 2 out of 5 arrows applied)
-Rocket Launcher
[Skill] Cooldown: 4s → 8s
-Shark Launcher
Attack Power: 8 → 5
[Skill] Cooldown: 8s → 12s
[Skill] Cooldown: 13s → 16s
Attack Power: 12 → 10
[Skill] Attack Power: 3 → 2
[Skill] Subsequent Attack Power: 6 → 4
[Skill] Max Attackable Enemies for Subsequent Attack: 200 → ∞
[Skill] Attack Range: Approximately 7% reduction
-Changed Xenon recipe
Rainbow knight + magic orb lv.2 → Rainbow knight + magic orb lv.3
Max Attackable Enemies: 2 → 4
[Summons]attack speed : 2s → 3s
[Summons]Attack range : increase 20%
-Fixing the "Retry" button error
-Bael : Fixing the bug where the shield effect remains during the laser shield mechanic
Hello, this is Ferry and Ollie, working on Dependon.
We've been referencing reviews posted on Steam forums, review platforms, and other websites as we continue our development.
We have come to the conclusion that the balance situation in the Infinite Mode is currently too challenging. To make playing the Infinite Mode more enjoyable and accessible, players have had to purchase high-cost units to tackle it comfortably. We view this phenomenon as an issue, and rather than lowering the difficulty of the Infinite Mode, we are considering adding a 4x speed option to bring about changes.
We always have a deep appreciation for our players and are grateful for the reviews, feedback, and bug reports you've provided. Thank you for your continued support.
(Help me, English is so hard;;)
Changed files in this update