8/30 Update Notice
Here are the details of the 8/30 update:
■ Patch Application Method: Exit Steam and then reconnect.
■ Update Version: v 0.2.0
■ Patch Notes:
- Bug Fix
- Fix a bug where the cloud save didn't work properly
- Fixed a bug where enemy bullet damage was not increasing
- Improvements
- Add attack animation of code cutter by avatar
- Security level penalty indicator added to the top right corner of the lobby
- Change in seagull avatar effect: Summon damage 20% → Summon count +1
- Increased monster spawn in mid-to-late game
- The enemy moves faster when the security level is level 3
- The size of the sheep has increased
I'm very sorry for the inconvenience caused by the cloud save not working properly.
If you send us an email below, I will recover the lost data.
E-mail : allafgames0102@gmail.com
Thank you.
Changed files in this update