Note: If you would like to enjoy these bugs for yourself, I suggest holding off on updating until your curiosity is quenched. Just make sure you read through the changelog to know the severity of the bug before you try to replicate it!
[New Features]
- Level select now shows that an upgrade has been collected on the level card.
- You can now press a button to proceed from the Rest screen quicker.
[Gameplay Adjustments]
- Juggle minigame timing has been adjusted a bit so it's less horse sh%@.
- On Easy mode (or when infinite lives are active), the minigame now gives you the Power Chakram upgrade immediately instead of dropping 3 upgrades. This is to prevent a graphical glitch where Hal pauses mid-upgrade transformation.
- Made Footballers always able to be tripped. This is a hidden mechanic, but it was previously only possible when the footballer was charging, but during no other state.
[General Bugfoolery]
- Fixed issue where the stinger doesn't play when you beat Juggle.
- Fixed a specific situation where you could crash the game by pressing down+jump to dismount from a hang while the snow grinder is destroying the snow block. Frame-ish perfect! Thanks Silent Hero (@silentherolive on Twitter)!
[Graphical Changes]
- Fixed a foliage misplacement in Preserves (Normal Mode)
[Upcoming/Planned Update Preview]
- Select minigames directly from the level select if you've completed the level they belong to. Just select the level they're attached to and a new menu pops up! You can use this to get some extra lives/power chakram upgrades (on Easy) if you beat the minigame.
- As a result of this, new graphics have been made to support the minigame level cards~
Changed files in this update