ADDITION: Cultures of Oceania Content Pack
- 6 New Cultures
- 6 New Wonders
- 15 New Narrative Events (including 1 cross-empire events)
- 7 New Independent People
- New In-Game Themed Music Tracks composed by Arnaud Roy
- 1 Bonus New Culture: Caribbean Pirates
- 3 New Naval Units
- New army action: poaching.
- New trade screen, to allow easier management of trade with multiple other players.
- Naval Units Ranged Retaliation and rebalance! Faster movement, longer ranges, greater firepower!
- Larger Battlefields! You have more room to deploy your Units and can take advantage of the new-found mobility.
- Internal Trade! Deepen your economic relationships with other Empires, but beware of any poaching...
- Strategic Resources requirement system! A single copy of each required resources is now enough to unlock construction, but at what cost?
- Steam Workshop and mods upate flow improvements.
- Modding Tool quality of life improvements, especially around versions checking.
- Map Editor quality of life improvements, especially around Resources and Natural Wonder placement.
- Added an option for players to rename their avatar.
- Adapted the HUD and changed the science button to make it round (again).
- Nerfed the aggressiveness of the AI in Metropolis & easier levels of difficulty.
- Improved feedbacks for players on how to assimilate Independent Peoples in decline regardless of patronage level.
- Units: balanced the number of accesses required to built & number of accesses required to update.
- Infrastructures: balanced the number of resources required to built, new resources bonus granted & FIMS bonus per strategic or luxury.
- Electricity Technology: Bonus on coal deposit.
- Power Line Technology: Bonus on aluminium deposit.
- Nuclear Fission Technology: Bonus on uranium deposit.
- Balanced various Upkeep costs.
- Increased combat strength of naval units for all Eras.
- Increased Combat Strength of all Air Units.
- Increased Combat Strength and Range of all Missile units.
- Increased Naval Units combat strength on Pentekonter and Quadriem.
- Reduced Naval Units combat strength on Cog, Carrack, Geobulseon, Galleass and Man O'War.
- Cruise Missiles, Nuclear Warheads and Thermonuclear Warheads combat strength all went down from 7 points.
- Improved Aircraft Carriers management.
- Improved the variety of response from counter-proposals.
- Improved territory management and city expansion.
- Improved Airport management.
- Improved National projects management.
- Improved Garrisons management.
- Improved Deeds seeking.
- Improved Stealth detection strategies.
- Improved Late game Civics choices.
- Fixed a multiplayer desynch when specific game language was selected.
- Fixed an issue where game was stuck on pending turn after signing the Intellignece Coalition with an AI.
- Fixed an issue where Bombarding the main plaza during a Siege could cause a crash.
- Fixed an issue where launching a Nuclear Missile after using two of them the previous turn could lead to a softlock.
- Fixed an issue where disabling auto saves in a multiplayer game continued to generate auto saves.
- Fixed a game softlock when the host loses internet connection, while in loading screen.
- Fixed an issue where Land Units were keeping their abilities when embarked.
- Fixed an issue where The Santa Maria del Fiore Cultural Wonder would not benefit from religious bonuses as stated.
- Fixed an issue where Independent Peoples did not build Infrastructures in their Cities.
- Fixed an issue where Nuclear Missile launch was not canceled when the player was occupying the targeted enemy City.
- Fixed an issue where Independent People's territory remained under influence after they de-spawn.
- Fixed various minor UI and localization issues.
Changed files in this update