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Crossout update for 31 August 2023

[Update] Small update, 31.08.2023

Share · View all patches · Build 12075571 · Last edited 31 August 2023 – 06:13:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community


In this small update, we have reworked the new system of clan challenges and added special challenges for those players who are not members of a clan or band. Please note that the total amount of Engineer badges that can be earned for all clan and personal challenges has increased.

Changes in clan challenges

ATTENTION! Clan challenges will be updated on September 3, at 16:00 GMT!

Changed the list of clan challenges. Clan challenges and rewards now look like this:

“Unknown” league
  • as a clan, deal 300000 damage in missions, brawls or raids. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 40 battles in missions or brawls. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 20 battles in raids. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player. Can now also be completed in the “Invasion” mode.
“Recognized” league
  • as a clan, deal 2000000 damage in missions, brawls or raids. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 200 battles in missions or brawls. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 40 battles in raids. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player. Can now also be completed in the “Invasion” mode.
League “Renowned”
  • deal 6000000 damage in missions, brawls or raids. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 500 battles in missions or brawls. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 100 battles in raids. Reward: 50 Engineer badges for each player. Can now also be completed in the “Invasion” mode.
  • as a clan, destroy 150 enemies in clan confrontation. Reward: 100 Engineer badges for each player.
“Famous” league
  • as a clan, deal 10000000 damage in missions, brawls or raids. Reward: 100 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 800 battles in missions or brawls. Reward: 100 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 150 battles in raids. Reward: 100 Engineer badges for each player. Can now also be completed in the “Invasion” mode.
  • as a clan, destroy 400 enemies in clan confrontation. Reward: 250 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, destroy 350 opponents in clan wars. Reward: 350 Engineer badges for each player. The challenge can now also be completed in “Confrontation”.
“Legendary” league
  • as a clan, deal 15000000 damage in missions, brawls or raids. Reward: 150 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 1000 battles in missions or brawls. Reward: 150 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, win 250 battles in raids. Reward: 150 Engineer badges for each player. Can now also be completed in the “Invasion” mode.
  • as a clan, destroy 800 enemies in clan confrontation. Reward: 400 Engineer badges for each player.
  • as a clan, destroy 700 enemies in clan wars. Reward: 600 Engineer badges for each player. The challenge can now also be completed in “Confrontation”.

New challenges for solo players

You can complete these challenges either as a member of a clan/band or not. Each player has their own progress in completing such challenges. Even if the player is a member of a clan/band, there will be no common progress among all members of the clan/band in completing these challenges.

ATTENTION! Weekly challenges will start on September 4 at 00:00 GMT!

Daily challenges chain
  • Complete 20 daily challenges. Reward: 100 Engineer badges.
  • Complete 25 daily challenges. Reward: 200 Engineer badges.
Invasion and raids chain
  • Achieve 4 victories in any raid or in the “Invasion” mode. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
  • Win 5 battles in medium or hard raids or in “Invasion” mode. Reward: 100 Engineer badges.
Scrap metal missions chain
  • Win in “Get the scrap metal!” 5 times. Reward: 40 Engineer badges.
  • Win in “Get the scrap metal!” 10 times. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
  • Win in “Get the scrap metal!” 15 times. Reward: 60 Engineer badges.
Wires missions chain
  • Win in “Get the wires!” 5 times. Reward: 40 Engineer badges.
  • Win in “Get the wires!” 8 times. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
  • Win in “Get the wires!” 10 times. Reward: 60 Engineer badges.
Batteries missions chain
  • Win in “Get the batteries!” 5 times. Reward: 40 Engineer badges.
  • Win in “Get the batteries!” 8 times. Reward: 50 Engineer badges.
  • Win in “Get the batteries!” 10 times. Reward: 60 Engineer badges.
Other challenges
  • Dismantle or discard 5 parts of any rarity. Reward: 100 Engineer badges.
  • Earn 10000 effectiveness in brawls. Reward: 100 Engineer badges.
As a result, the total amount of Engineer badges that can be earned for all challenges (clan and solo) has increased from 3450 pcs. to 4000 pcs.

Changes aimed at combating unfair play within a clan/band

  • Now, in case of moving to another clan/band, after some time a player has an opportunity to continue earning the rating in the current season. A player can find out how much time is left before the block is lifted by moving the cursor over his nickname in the clan/band list.
  • Now, if a player leaves a clan/band or is kicked out, then the activity and the “Confrontation” rating earned by that player disappears not only for the player, but also for the clan/band.
  • When a player moves to another clan/band, the clan challenges that have already been completed by the player in the current season in another clan/band (but the required league hasn’t been reached) are reset and no reward is issued for them (even if the new clan is in the required league).
  • Players who leave a clan/band will no longer see the “Confrontation” rating in the general clan list.
  • A player who has moved to another clan/band cannot be rewarded again for a challenge that has already been completed in the current season in the previous clan/band and for which a reward has already been received.

Other changes and fixes.

  • Now in PvP missions, the player earns 2 times more “Confrontation” rating than before.
  • Patches can now be earned in the “Confrontation” mode.
  • Improved a number of in-game texts.

For more information on Crossout, follow these channels:

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