We're so excited to release this update, which DOUBLES if not TRIPLES the amount of content in the game!
New :
Game Over :
Added Rent to the game
We've re-added the game over screen, now you'll have to pay rent at the end of each day. As you get upgrades, your rent will slowly increase! Failure to pay your rent at the end of the day, will result in a game over!
Rent Values :- Base Café : $25
- Upgrade 1 : $30
- Upgrade 2 : $35
- Upgrade 3 : $45
Café Menu :
- Upon unlocking the first shop upgrade, you will now unlock a new sign that'll be over the counters, upon interacting with it, the player will be able to change what customers can order!
Save/Load System | 2.0 :
With this update we've overhauled the entire saving and loading system from the ground up! With 2.0 of the save system, we've cut back on saving and loading times massively, however, this means that saves from 0.1.2 and back will no longer work. However, we're hoping this will be the last time we have to overhaul the save/load system for a long time!
Examples :
Early Game :
Saving | 15s to 30s -> 5s to 10s
Loading | 30s to 45s -> 5s to 10s
Mid Game :
Saving | 2m to 2m 30s -> 15s to 30s
Loading | 3m 30s to 4m -> 10s to 15s
Late Game :
Saving | 5m to 6m -> 10s to 30s
Loading | 7m to 10m -> 15s -> 25s
Save Options :
New Modes :
Career Mode
This mode contains the new rent mechanic, and game over mechanic! Try your best to run your cafe and keep it open! -
Free Mode
Don't like the game over and rent mechanic? Worry not! This mode works just like the game did in previous versions, run your café with no worry of rent or getting a game over! -
Added new save icons
Tables :
- You can now buy table upgrades from the shop! When the player has some tables, the customers can now decide between waiting in line, or sitting at a table!
- If the customer sits at the table, they have a chance to order multiple times!
Paintings :
Add a new visual flare to your café!
Music :
Added new music :
- "Pourover" by AshleyPotatoMashley
- "Where's my Coffee" by AshleyPotatoMashley
Shop Upgrade #3 :
2nd Floor appears!
More Paintings!
More Tables!
New Coffee Flavors :- White Chocolate
- Liquid Sweetener
While White Chocolate still acts the same when customers order a drink with it, Liquid Sweetener will be ordered differently! When enabled via the Café Menu, the customer will have a chance to ask for 1 to 4 pumps of sweetener to be added to their coffee!
Rendering :
- Occlusion Culling
Rendering Occlusion has been added! This addition will increase framerates drastically!
Items :
Dolly :
Hated how long it took to travel from the pallets to the counter? How about we cut that down! This new item will allow you to store boxes on it, open or closed!
Table Tray :
We've also added a tray! You can place coffee cups and food on the tray, and carry it to tables! You can also interact with it using <E> to select what table you're making the order for!
Jukebox :
The Jukebox will allow the player to swap between different music tracks, and will spawn in upon buying the 2nd shop upgrade!
Graphical Overhaul :
You read that right! In this update, we also upgraded some of our texturing and lighting in the game!
- Added more detail to the walls, floor, glass, grass, etc.
- Changed the brightness of all flavor pumps
- Changed the material of the Iced Coffee Cups to feel more plastic than glass
and more..!
Settings :
You read that right! We've implemented rebinding for keyboard and mouse! -
In-between days, the game will auto-save, so if you happen to game over, you can return to the previous auto-save and try again! This option is enabled by default, but can be turned off in the <Game> tab in the settings menu
Misc :
- Added more Coffee Recipes
- When the front door opens, a bell will play
Changes :
Increased the resolution of the shop images
When a box is empty, the image will now disappear
When placing a completed coffee/food into the order zone, it will change the name of the coffee/food to green if it's correct
Added some more textures for customers to add a bit more variation
Balanced the amount of time all customers will wait
Customers wait time will now also be affected by the level of the Player's Café
The rate at which Customers spawn will now be affected by the level of the Player's Café
Customers spawn chance will change depending on how many customers are already spawned :
- 1 - 3 = 80%
- 4 = 60%
- 5 = 40%
- 6 - 15 = 20%
Increased the max amount of cars allowed in the parking lot : 11 -> 15
Players can now place items closer to them than before
Optimized multiple scripts
Adjusted multiple items placements outlines
Adjusted all item placements
Adjusted the hitboxes of ALL items
Players can no longer place items where they normally wouldn't fit
The game no longer pauses when alt + tabbing
Updated the placement of some objects in the main menu
Replaced the logo at the main menu with the early access version
Updated the Credits on the Main Menu
Made the light in the janitor's closet centered
The Café will start more run down at the start, and each upgrade will liven up the Café
Rebound the emergency save button : P -> NUMPAD *
Increased the speed of cars pulling in
Bug Fixes :
- Fixed a bug where purchasing55 the 2nd shelves upgrade wouldn't move any items that were by the shelves out of the way
- Fixed a bug where buying shop upgrade #2 would move boxes that were in the area or on where the shelves #2 upgrade would be
- Fixed a bug with item layering
- Fixed a bug that would cause the game to sometimes break if you accept multiple orders at once
- Fixed a bug where dumping an iced coffee cup into the sink, could cause the game to lock-up
- Fixed a bug where pulling an item out of a box while holding another item, would cause the game to spit out an error
- Fixed a bug where pouring a cup of coffee using a coffee pot whose coffee was no longer hot/cold, it would still pour hot/cold coffee
- Fixed a bug that prevented ice from appearing in iced coffee cups
- Fixed a bug where if the player only bought the muffins, upon re-loading they would be locked again until the player bought a 2nd upgrade
- Fixed a bug where the item outlines would lag behind where the player was looking
- Fixed a bug where interacting with a customer that's leaving would still cause the timer to popup, but no order
- Fixed a bug where pouring coffee from a dirty pot into an iced coffee cup, would change the texture of the iced coffee cup to a dirty normal coffee cup
- Fixed a bug where the player could fill up a coffee cup with flavor pumps, and then place it back on the cup stack and get a fresh cup
Changed files in this update