Controller Support
[*} - Changes to controller support, namely implementation of Steam Input, official Spectre controller configurations
- Customizing controller configurations is now done entirely through the Steam Client and is now available through the in-game menu
- Removed controller configuration ability from menu
- Menu input display show reflect current Steam Input configurations
- Updated door materials to better reflect locked state
- Corrected broken materials throughout
- Bug fixes
- Adjusted lighting
- Corrected collision issues
- Remade Double Office area
- Relocated Health Station
- Performance optimization
- Lighting correction
- Health station and terminal in tunnel
- Remade Inventory area
- Remade Spawn area
- Corrected collision issues
- Remade Main building
- Remade Garages and Helipad area
- Remade front of main building
- Remade Outpost area
- Completely reworked Filtration area
- Corrected lighting
- Performance optimization
- corrected collision issues
- Changed landscape to include more hiding spots
- Updated Helipad area
- Added Wall Jump area to Main building
- Corrected vent collision issue
- Corrected landscape warping issue
Changed files in this update