Who doesn't love cats in hats?! We're excited to announce that our latest update is out now! As promised, we have added plenty of hats to Mad Catter's store and Meow Cafe, updated the Harmony Hats store so that you can purchase hats and masks with harmony points (earned by working together with other cats in multiplayer), and more!
Meet Stormy. Stormy purchased a hard helmet from the Harmony Hats store! How lovely.
Full Patch Notes
- Mad Catter Store in the mall is updated and ready for players to buy hats/masks with chaos points and candy. Each hat/mask gives players a special ability while they are wearing the hat/mask.
- The Harmony Hats Store in the city is updated and ready for players to buy hats/masks with harmony points and candy. Each hat/mask gives players a special ability while they are wearing the hat/mask. In order to earn harmony rewards, players must help each other complete tasks in multiplayer such as quests and taking down enemies.
- Stores have been added to Placid beach. One of the new stores is Pacific Hats. This store allows players to buy hats/sunglasses with just candy. Each item in the store gives the players a special ability while wearing the hat.
- Ability to purchase hats added to Meow Cafe
- Bug fixes to the main quest line in the mall and side quest in the city from Roger cat.
- Added an easter egg on Placid Beach to reward players exploring the area and collecting the items. Players must have the diver’s mask to find this easter egg.
This is Winter. Winter is very happy with their purchase from the Mad Catter store!
What's Next?
Now that this update is shipped, our focus will move onto the October update! You can look forward to the following:
Fast and Furriest update
Racing feature
Racing maps
The Heist Kitty Team
Changed files in this update