The King announces new Patch Notes!
Hey there heroes, today we are pushing more bug fixes, we had to rework the entire basis of the save system to end the infamous "dark screen hardlock". This transition should be safe, we tested it on multiple computers and on the Steam Deck (finally got one!), to be extra safe, we are saving the old files in a folder called LegacySaves in the same folder you can find your Saves.
If you have ANY issues with the saving, let us know so we can restore your data!
Tank nanas will have unique themed shields for each zone!
-Fixed the "dark screen hardlock"
-Fixed a bug that made positional item's stats stack permanently
-Fixed Druid's Twig increasing cooldowns by 75 seconds instead of giving 75% Haste
-Fixed a bug that made Steam Cloud stop saving
-Fixed a bug that could get rid of presents in Xmas mode
-Fixed the buff icon of Necronomicrown being the same as Hoplite's lvl 3 spear icon
Changed files in this update