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Dead by Daylight update for 5 September 2023

Update 7.2.1 | Bugfix Patch

Share · View all patches · Build 12073773 · Last edited 5 September 2023 – 14:59:04 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Release Schedule

  • Update Releases: 11AM ET
  • NOTE: The update is expected to be delayed on the Nintendo Switch. During this time, crossplay between the Switch and other platforms will not be possible.

Bug Fixes

  • Currency previews in The Rift no longer stack, which was decreasing game performance.
  • The Modern Tales' menu theme is no longer played when Meg is equipped with the Movie Night Outfit.
  • The Xenomorph no longer has an animation stutter upon entering a tunnel.
  • The Xenomorph is no longer able to perform a Tail Attack against Survivors escaping by the Exit Gate.
  • Survivors now correctly play an animation when interrupted from interacting with the Flame Turret.
  • The Xenomorph is no longer able to see Generators, Lockers, and Survivors during transitions in and out of tunnels.
  • The Oni Outfit "The Minotaur" is no longer missing horns and teeth during a Mori.
  • When a Survivor sabotages a Hook, their head no longer clips inside the Hook.
  • Fixed an issue that caused Ellen Ripley's Very Rare 'Out Of Uniform' t-shirt to clip through her arm during certain animations.
  • Fixed an issue where The Trickster's arm would clip into the camera with certain Cosmetics after a Survivor escapes from his grasp.
  • Fixed an issue with The Cenobite Add-On "Greasy Black Lens", which would fail to reveal the Survivor hit by a possessed chain.
  • Fixed an issue with The Doctor madness effect where some of the Doctor illusions would sometimes spawn in the floor or outside of the levels.
  • Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph was able to see Survivors in Tunnels, located on 2nd floor, if they were standing in the path
  • Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph tail was missing while in Crawler Mode
  • Fixed an issue in Haddonfield where an invisible collision was blocking the players on the roof of the house
  • Fixed an issue in Nostromo Wreckage map where the traps would be hidden under assets
  • Fixed an issue where Victor could jump on the table in the Nostromo
  • Fixed alignment issues with the survivor animation vault
  • Fixed an issue where a placeholder tile would spawn in Eyrie of Crows
  • Fixed an issue with the vaulting in Junkyard that affected the animation of the female characters
  • Fixed an issue where a branch is floating over the Skull Merchant base
  • Fixed an issue where small branches were blocking killers with chainsaws in Eyrie of Crows
  • Fixed an issue where the killer could not grab a survivor off a generator in Thompson's House map
  • Fixed an issue where Killers could not grab survivor from a generator in Badham Preschool map
  • Fixed an issue in Nostromo Wreckage map where an invisible collision would block characters
  • Fixed an issue in Dead Dawg Saloon where an entrance was not blocked as intended
  • Fixed an issue where the lighting on Haddonfield and in Nostromo Wreckage would change after The Xenomorph exited the Tunnels
  • Fixed an issue where the Killer was unable to pick up Survivors in the dying state on the Temple of Purgation and re-enabled the map into rotation
  • Footsteps are no longer silent when walking while Light-Footed is equipped.
  • Blood Rush is no longer active after being downed by the Killer.
  • Blast Mine can no longer be placed on a Generator blocked by Repressed Alliance.
  • Fixed an issue where the match result appears when spectating the last survivor during Memento Mori.
  • Fixed an issue where the Bot Loadout Menu displays an incorrect page of items when quickly changing pages.
  • Fixed transparency texture for locked tooltips.
  • The Steam Pipes reset progress bar now correctly shows a yellow-colour when used by multiple Survivors.
  • Players are now correctly able to advance progress with The Onryo's "Viral Video" achievement.
  • Localization issues with certain Cosmetics have been fixed.
  • Fixed an issue where The Xenomorph's Tunnels may lose lighting and ambiance when the game is paused or the Graphic Settings are changed
Windows Dead by Daylight Content Depot 381211
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