Carth Alpha 1.95d4
~Fixed Viola Robbed Quest Breaking if certain choices made
~Added New loot able objects around Viernes
~Added Clutter to villages and houses
~Fixed floating items around Nethrean Stables
~Fixed floating items inside Viernes Castle.
~Fixed issue with NPCS not showing inside Viernes Castle.
~Fixed Loot boxes too close to Viola in Cathron Village causing UI to break
~Adjusted Ocean SFX Volume and Distance (Will need more work in time)
~Fixed Nethrean Dock having broken Textures
~Fixed Nethrean Dock Stairs Missing Collider
~Fixed Lillian Hughes Dialogue not activating
~Fixed Farmer Neilson Dialogue breaking
~Fixed Sarah Burke offering dialogue when quest was not active
~Fixed Miss Schoun displaying incorrect name for UI and Dialogue
~Added new vegetation to Biomes
~Script bug fixes and changes
~Fixed Jabari Chambers Dialogue broken cursor and allowing movement
~Fixed Miss Schoun Dialogue broken cursor and allowing movement
~Adjusted SFX of jumping into water
~Fixed issue with camera bouncing off of everything
~Camera now will cut through everything (Will refine in Beta)
~Added new Quests
~Fixed Ian Backlou disappearing at times
~Added new gear
~Added new gear to merchants
~UI Fixes
~Options Menu Fixes
~Updated Known Bugs List
Carth Playtest update for 30 August 2023
Carth Alpha 1.95d4
Patchnotes via Steam Community
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