Hello everyone! Here's version 1.64 of Knights of the Chalice 2. It's a small update. Here's the list of changes:
- Fixed a source of crashes in combat when the player's party is far from the enemy and an enemy caster is considering using a summoning spell. Thank you Warlord Mal for the bug report! Also fixed another bug with the AI.
- In the final battle of the Tutorial Module, gave the AI setting 'Rush To The Enemy' to two Mummies, a Vrock, a Skeleton and a Giant Skeleton. Also, upon selecting the Surprise Round option, one of the Giant Skeletons wasn't surprised; that is now fixed.
- Added a note in the descriptions for the three feats of the 'Shake It Off' feat line explaining that the effect takes place on the caster's turn, not on the turn of the affected character.
Please don't hesitate to email me at enquiries@heroicfantasygames.com if you find any bugs and annoyances, so that I can fix the game quickly. A saved game may be very helpful, too.
Thank You So Much For Your Support, Legendary Heroes of the Realm! Enjoy :-)
Changed files in this update