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Gaia Trek update for 30 August 2023

Gaia Trek V1.0.9 Hotfix Patch Log

Share · View all patches · Build 12066886 · Last edited 23 February 2024 – 15:07:38 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hotfix Patch

  1. Fixed the issue that the "King of Technology" achievement could not be completed properly after adding new buildings.
  2. Fixed the issue that throwing and teleporting skills can be released on special summons.
  3. Fix the issue that shortcut keys will be triggered when searching in the gallery.
  4. Fixed the issue that the value is not counted when selling swarms.
  5. Adjusted the initial enemy and boss list in Classic Mode.
  6. Adjusted the range of Gaia Core auto-work to support diagonal squares.
  7. Changed the number of activated God Statues to be cumulative and support autowork.
  8. The output of Gold Elemental in the Elemental Factory has been changed to Ore, and the description of the probability distribution of Ore has been added.
  9. Increase the operation delay in the equipment selection interface.
  10. Increase the number of enemy monsters on the field at the same time.
  11. Reduce the range of influence of BOSS skills earthquake and frost burst.
  12. Optimize the generation mechanism of emotion fragments, change from probability to progress accumulation, and generate a corresponding emotion fragment when the progress accumulation is 100%.
  13. Temporary adjustments to the insect race, modify the swarm stacking limit of 4, swarm warrior crown synchronization modification; insect race all skills need to be redesigned, the subsequent version of the update optimization
Thank you very much for your support for gaia trek, we have now updated many bugs and optimizations. Feel free to leave your review on Steam, your feedback is always welcome!

Keep an eye out for the next update, we appreciate your continued support!

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