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Paragon: The Overprime update for 30 August 2023

8/31 Temporary Server Maintenance Notice

Share · View all patches · Build 12066883 · Last edited 30 August 2023 – 10:09:23 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community
This build has not been seen in a public branch.

Greetings, Warriors!
This is Paragon: The Overprime.

Temporary Server Maintenance will take place on 8/31.
For more information, please refer to the following.

8/31 Temporary Server Maintenance Notice

Maintenance Time

August 31, 2023 12:00 ~ 14:00 (KST, UTC+9)
*The maintenance time and details are subject to change.

Match-Making Closing Time

August 31, 2023 11:00 (KST, UTC+9) ~

During Maintenance
  1. You cannot log into the game during maintenance.
  2. Ongoing games will end during maintenance.
Maintenance Details
  • Issue where Revenant's "Storm of Bullets (Q-Skill)" cannot be used against non-hero targets such as Jungle monsters and T-ons in Quick Battle, Competitive, Custom Game with 2 or more players, and AI Battle
  • Issue where the total damage increase value and total damage are different in the skill description of Howitzer's "Howitzer's Showtime! (R-Skill)"
  • Issue where the total damage increase value and total damage are different in the skill description of The Fey's "Forest's Will (RMB-Skill)"
  • Issue where the total damage increase value and total damage are different in the skill description of Belica's "Ground Collapse (Q-Skill)"
  • Issue where the total damage increase value and total damage are different in the skill description of Aurora's "Glacial Barrier (E-Skill)"
  • Issue where Adele's "Let Me Hold You (Q-Skill)", when hit twice on the same target, prevents both the caster and the target from moving
  • Issue where Howitzer's "Howitzer's Showtime! (R-Skill)" Damage is applied abnormally
  • Issue where if a player is unable to enter a game properly, their icon displays abnormally on the Minimap
  • Issue where pressing the number pad [ * ] in the lobby causes a crash
  • Issue where the Quick Shop for Starting Items does not display when entering the game for the first time
  • Issue where the Mana Cost for the LMB-Skill of all heroes displays as “88”
  • Issue where the filters for [Quick Battle, Competitive, AI Battle] do not work in the [Profile] > [Battle Record] window in the lobby

*The [Issue where when a group of 2 or more players enter Custom Game and a specific player dodges during the draft window, the remaining players, excluding the dodging player, are taken back to the lobby instead of the waiting screen] will be fixed through a future Update.

Maintenance schedule and details are subject to change.
The game will not be accessible while maintenance is in progress.
Please note that the game in progress will be turned off when maintenance begins.
Please log out safely before maintenance starts.

We would like to apologize to all our Warriors for any inconvenience.
Our team will do its best to provide the best possible gameplay environment.

Thank you.

Changed depots in netmarbleqa branch

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Windows Depot 1531431
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