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Toby's Island update for 30 August 2023

Patch 2.2

Share · View all patches · Build 12066104 · Last edited 30 August 2023 – 08:09:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Major Changes:
-fixed issue where leaving crab cave brings you to library instead of the forest.
-added crystal clam (ability to make refined crystal orbs without completing quests)
-introduced "scone" the squid who presents to you the giant clam that gives you refined orbs
-added asmodeus end sequence as well as credits and post credits content
-added lavatubes content including new bosses
-added water tunnel connector region (not really much to do here but its a cool sight seeing moment)
-fixed issue with camera moving off to the side and staying there during Marl culdron scene
-fixed an issue where the lost and found dog could get stuck on the wall while moving away from the player
-fixed an issue where game crashes upon interacting with location that cauldron SHOULD before you get it back from marls
-fixed an issue where battle back wouldnt load in if you had lost a fight to shell pups in fight club and this was accompanied by massive reduction in frame rate.
-fixed an issue where the worms despawn during the wasp hive fight. (hoping i didnt break anything with this fix)
-loose crystals now spawn on the ground every 900 seconds around crystal formations
-New items: Crystals, Crystal Powder, Liquid Crystal, Crystal Evolution, Stone Dust, Gravel, Sand
-game now makes sure you have enough bag space before letting you use machete or pick axe (previously only worked with wood axe)
-can now make concrete and use it for constructions
-new enemies in the island spine
-new area in the island spine that will let you complete the Franks quest line
-added fire and water spirit to obtainable party members
-added ability to load game from combat by pressing esc key
-fixed issue where conversation with the franks took place through a black screen
-fixed black screen error in telescope
-fixed black screen when heading to pond for fishing in fall zone
-fixed issue where swamp would cause crashes in music player

Minor Changes:
-fixed no collision issue on wall next to sky temple door.
-fixed various spelling mistakes
-fixed issue where Trogus would disappear after winning the fight against him.
-trogus temple now has guards that prevent you from entering once you come back (for now) = teaser for expansion
-fixed issue where rat picture doesnt disappear in board game mini game
-can now find live crabs in the shallows of the island spine (crabs are used for fishing and later cooking)
-fixed an issue where you could stand in the sky in the crystal forest
-fixed issue where jemjell was the fastest creature on earth at lvl 1
-fixed pathing issues on rock formation in crystal forest
-fixed issue in telescope tree fort where cauldron showed 4 icons

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