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Crusader Kings III update for 31 August 2023

Update 1.10.1

Share · View all patches · Build 12066033 · Last edited 31 August 2023 – 11:26:05 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Hello everyone! Today we're releasing Update 1.10.1 for Crusader Kings III. This update focuses primarily on resolving issues reported since the release of Wards & Wardens and the associated 1.10.0 "Quill" Update, but also targets some older outstanding issues. We hope this makes your experience playing CKIII smoother and more enjoyable!

As always, if you run into issues after this update, please let us know on our bug report board on the official Paradox Plaza forums, or on our Community Support board here on Steam!

Update 1.10.1 Changelog


  • Fixed some problems with translated localization entries for Spanish and Korean
  • Fixed problems with some English text being unintentionally displayed under some circumstances for localized text strings


  • There is now a playable Saura-faith vassal ruler in 867, Sussala of Multan
  • Vaticano now starts with a Grand Cathedral already built, representing the Old St. Peter's Basilica


  • Added letter event when your request to Recall a Hostage is declined.
  • Added missing description text for receiving a recall hostage request.
  • Added missing description text for the notification message when the parent fails to influence a child’s personality.
  • Added notification feedback of the outcomes of skill changes for the child in the event "A Ruler’s Path"
  • Adopted children will no longer immediately send a congratulatory letter to themselves.
  • Adopting a hostage will no longer immediately result in them leaving your court.
  • Character Memories are now created when a character becomes an acclaimed knight.
  • The Childhood event "A Blow, Returned" now properly notifies involved parties of the outcome.
  • The Childhood event "A Potential Crush" will now properly use an adverb and not a definite article when referring to your love interest.
  • Events for being neglected in prison will now properly look for if there is actual neglect going on.
  • Petra, the Iron Pillar of Dhar, and the Doge's Palace should now properly count as Points of Interest during travel.
  • Fixed problem in the prisoner relation text, where it erroneously tried to make claims about a prisoner's origin.
  • Fixed the "Daring Scout" modifier having no icon.
  • Fixed the Activity Pulse Action for Sight-Seeing (used in Pilgrimages as well as University Visits) having broken text.
  • Fixed the Eccentric trait improperly subtracting customization points in the Ruler Designer.
  • Fixed the Garuda court position having a lower modifier at highest aptitude than it did at the level below.
  • Fixed the Rock story cycle not properly referring to the named rock in some cases.
  • Fixed the text in the Wards & Wardens event "An Encouraging Friend" calling your bully by your name instead of bully's own name
  • Fixed unnecessarily large effect lists in wars using the Invasion Casus Belli.
  • Fixed various issues with the travel plans of wards and hostages.
  • Grand tour orgy event "A Chance Meeting" will now display the right participants in the event window.
  • Guardians will now once again be able to influence the religion and culture of their Wards.
  • Horse Archer attribute for Accolades will now properly affect Horse Archers instead of Light Cavalry.
  • Hostage event "Who Am I?" now properly refers to the name of the host's culture
  • Hostage execution events will now display better information when you have multiple possible hostages to execute at the same time.
  • Hostage transfers should now be available as an option in most peace resolutions.
  • Hostages can no longer acquire the Marshal council position.
  • If a regent has a promise for a Grand Wedding, they are now allowed to leave the court to attend their wedding in order to avoid diplomatic consequences.
  • Infertile wedded couples are now properly described as such in game when shown in effect tooltips during Grand Weddings.
  • It is no longer possible to kidnap your hostages.
  • Landed rulers can now once again be Guardians for landed Wards.
  • Resolved an out-of-sync error in Multiplayer that could occur if the player canceled travel to Pay Homage or Petition Liege.
  • Reduced effect of reinforcement rate for same faith from artifacts since these were 10 times too high
  • Reforging an artifact now properly depends on remaining relative durability instead of absolute durability
  • Refusing to return a hostage upon them reaching the age of majority now damages their home court's opinion of you.
  • The acceptance entry for hostage-related interactions is now properly colored in the interface.
  • Children will now correctly gain the ill-trait as an outcome of the "A Sick Leave" event.
  • The Childhood event "Lasting Heartbreak" now properly displays its negative modifier as red instead of green.
  • The event "A Sick Leave" and its follow-up events now properly describe the court chaplain’s relation to you.
  • The guard in the Throne room of African Royal Courts will no longer stab the character next to the throne when no-one is looking.
  • Level 5 educations will now correctly state their bonus percentages in the Lifestyle screen.
  • Level 5 Learning education now significantly improves Physician aptitude.
  • Level 5 Intrigue education now gives all of its bonuses.
  • Vassalization acceptance from the Level 5 Diplomacy education is now applied correctly.
  • Tooltips for University locations when planning a University Visit should now be more consistent with other activities.
  • Upon being adopted, the adoptee will now make their way to their new parents' court.
  • When imprisoning a hostage, they will no longer take a hike back home.
  • You no longer get two identical penalties when trying to murder a Head of Faith.
  • Fixed a crash related to army movements.
  • Fixed a rare situation where the event "A Murder Delayed" could end up in a loop and soft-lock the game from progressing.
  • Fixed a text issue with the "First Words" event.
  • Fixed an issue related to Varangians which could result in female eunuchs.
  • Fixed an issue where children born by a hostage could, under certain circumstances, escape the court.
  • Fixed an option that could be empty in the Child/Regent event "A Tool for the Wielding" when the regent demands access to a child ruler.
  • Fixed bad reference to the Gregarious trait in the Influence Ward's Personality interaction.
  • Fixed broken tooltip in "The Apple Falls" event.
  • Fixed Cave Hermits not looking suitably destitute.
  • Fixed confusing text in the "A Dream of Glass" trait event.
  • Fixed Hapless Knight not being kicked out of tournament contests.
  • Fixed issues with the decision to Unite the Spanish throne, including not including the kingdom of Toledo.
  • Fixed Legendary hunts and Falconry having inverted difficulty modifiers.
  • Fixed multiple issues with scopes and animations in cultural festival events.
  • Fixed minor visual issues with the Rites of Passage event chain.
  • Fixed miscommunicated education trait rewards at end of University Visit activity (the traits were given out correctly, but the tooltip would sometimes lie).
  • Fixed missing icon for "Thuggish Recruiting" modifier.
  • Fixed more issues with hostages failing to return home.
  • Fixed multiple issues related to dying while your heir was a hostage in a foreign court.
  • Fixed multiple misleading relationship reason tooltips.
  • Fixed multiple presentation issues with Wet Nurse events.
  • Fixed multiple problems with AI logic for recalling hostages.
  • Fixed multiple text issues in the "Bully For You?" travel event.
  • Fixed multiple text issues with the "Killer Charm" travel danger event.
  • Fixed petition liege sometimes calling the wrong court position when trying to ascertain a suitable one.
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