New Features
- Added DPS as battle report stat
- Added sorting options to Storage
- There is now a chance to acquire Mythril ores from battles
-- Mythril ore drops additional to items at approximately the same rate
-- Mythril ore rarity is tied to item rarity
- Strength (STR) will now also increase physical resist by an equal amount
- Reduced Bannerlords healing from 25% to 15% max HP
- Reduced Crusade damage from 10% to 8% of weight
- Added diminishing returns to freeze
- Burn damage will now increase by 10% with every tick, up to 20 stacks (673% max)
- 'Eternal Flame' Skill will now increase base burn damage by up to 60%
- Adjusted stats on Copper, Steel and Knight sets to better reflect their purpose
- Clicking on the 'Back' button will now always bring you to the Entrance
- removed 'Entrance' button from Map
- Improvements to Forge:
-- When putting an item on the anvil, only relevant items will be shown
-- You can substitute any ingredient in the Forge with a matching rarity Mythril ore
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where you could select multiple Artifacts at once
- Fixed a bug where the passives of Veterans were not displayed correctly
Changed files in this update