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Black Desert update for 30 August 2023

New Season Preview!

Share · View all patches · Build 12063565 · Last edited 30 August 2023 – 01:19:03 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

New Season! Shall we take a look?

What's a Season Server?


  • **Combat EXP +300%
  • Skill EXP +100%
  • Life EXP (excludes Trading) +30%
  • Easily-enchanted Season-exclusive gear
  • Season Pass rewards [/color]
    and other various benefits await on these [color=#ff851b]
    rapid growth servers**[/color]!

Why is now the best time to start?

[color=#ff851b]Now you can start and graduate[/color] from the season at your pace!

[table equalcells=1][tr]
[th]Claim Season Graduation Rewards[/th][/tr][tr]
[td]Start Now[/td]
[td][✔] with current Season Character
[✔] with newly-created Season Character[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Start Later [/td]
[td][✔] with newly-created Season Character[/td][/tr][/table]

Preview the Season Graduation rewards!

*[color=#ff851b] Enhancement chance increase items

  • Top-quality accessory
  • Combat/Skill EXP +200%/+30% scrolls
  • Pearl Shop buff items
  • Item Collection Increase Scrolls[/color]**

What’s so new with the season servers?
Season Character Creation

[table equalcells=1][tr]
[td][Current Season]

Character creation available
only once the season begins[/td]
[td]**[New Season]

[color=#ff851b]Character creation available[/color]
with season character creation coupon**[/td][/tr][/table]
* What's a Season Character Creation Coupon?

  • Starting from mid-Sept, these coupons will be issued periodically and will remain in your inventory until you use them!
Season Duration

[table equalcells=1][tr]
[Current Season]

Season servers are available only during a specific duration[/td]
[td]**[New Season]

[color=#ff851b]Always available[/color]**[/td][/tr][/table]

Season Graduation

[table equalcells=1][tr]
[td][Current Season]

Graduate during a specific duration[/td]
[td]**[New Season]

[color=#ff851b]Graduate whenever you like[/color]**[/td][/tr][/table]

**The bountiful Season Pass

can now be carried out with each [color=#ff851b]new season character![/color]**

[table equalcells=1][tr]
[td][color=#ff851b]Season Pass[/color]
Begins with each
[Season Character Creation Coupon]![/td][/tr][/table]

What's a Season Pass?

Experience Black Desert by completing objectives and claiming multiple rewards!

[color=#ff851b]* Seasonal Gear / Guaranteed-enhancement Accessory materials

  • Inventory Slot Expansion Coupons

  • Skill EXP boosting items

  • Mount

  • Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scrolls[/color]

  • Login with your Season Character, then click the Black Spirit button to the left of the minimap to access the Season Pass!

  • Season Pass rewards are suspect to change.

Season Pass Rewards





Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 1.**

Reach Lv. 5 on a season character[/td]
Inventory +2 Expansion[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 2.

Reach Lv. 10 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Secret Book of the Misty Breeze x3
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 3.

Reach Lv. 15 on a season character[/td]
Elion's Tear x5[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 4.

Reach Lv. 18 on a season character[/td]
Finto's Box of Juices (L) x2[/td]
[tr][td]Black Spirit's Gift!

Complete the Black Spirit's Gift (Inventory Slot) quest[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x20[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 5.

Reach Lv. 20 on a season character[/td]
Inventory +2 Expansion[/td]
[tr][td]Horses, the Adventurer’s Companion

Complete the [Horse Emblem] Seal of the Secret Guards quest[/td]
Horse Emblem: Fine Horse Qualification
with skills S: Instant Accel, Instant Accel, and S: Sideways at 100%[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 6.

Reach Lv. 21 on a season character[/td]
Fughar's Riding Crop[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 7.

Reach Lv. 23 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 8.

Reach Lv. 25 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x30[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 9.

Reach Lv. 30 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x50[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 1.

Enhance a Naru main weapon to +3 or higher, then equip it[/td]
Inventory +2 Expansion[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 2.

Enhance Naru Armor to +3 or higher, then equip it[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 10.

Reach Lv. 35 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x50[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 11.

Reach Lv. 37 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x100[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 12.

Reach Lv. 40 on a season character[/td]
Mount Skill Change Coupon x2[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 13.

Reach Lv. 43 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x70[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 14.

Reach Lv. 45 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x150[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 15.

Reach Lv. 47 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]To a Higher Goal

After reaching Level 49, talk to the Black Spirit (/) and complete the [To Level 50!] Go Beyond Your Own Limits quest[/td]
Finto's Box of Juices (L) x5[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 16.

Reach Lv. 50 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x100[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 3.

Enhance a Naru main weapon to +15 or higher, then equip it[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x200[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 4.

Enhance Naru Armor to +15 or higher, then equip it[/td]
[Event] Tachros' Spirit Stone[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 5.

Enhance Naru sub-weapon to +15 or higher, then equip it[/td]
Mount Skill Change Coupon x3[/td]
[tr][td]Adventure Together!

Press the Guild (G) key to view the Guild Information or Guild Recruitment windows[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x100[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 6.

Enhance a Naru main weapon to PEN (V), then equip it[/td]
Advice of Valks (+30) x3[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 7.

Enhance a Naru armor to PEN (V), then equip it[/td]
Refined Magical Black Stone x100[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 17.

Reach Lv. 52 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 1

Enhance a Tuvala main weapon to DUO (II) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
High-Quality Food Box x5[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 18.

Reach Lv. 53 on a season character[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x200[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 19.

Reach Lv. 55 on a season character[/td]
Tuvala Ore x100[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 20.

Reach Lv. 56 on a season character[/td]
High-Quality Draught Box x5[/td]
[tr][td]A Whole New Me

Reach Lv. 56 and complete the Awakening or Succession questline[/td]
Advice of Valks (+40) x3[/td]
[tr][td]Different Skills for Different Situations

  • Complete the Succession, Awakening, Ascension, or Talent questlines, then talk to your Black Spirit
  • Complete the [Skill Preset Coupon] Using a Variety of Skills quest[/td]
    Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x3[/td]
    [tr][td]How to Perfect Your Skills

Learn about Skill Add-ons from a Skill Instructor[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 2.

Enhance a Tuvala Ring to PRI (I) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x300[/td]
[tr][td]My Flying Friend

  • Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete the [ADV Support] Fairy, Mysterious Companion questline

  • Talk to the Black Spirit (/)[/td]
    Advice of Valks (+50)[/td]
    [tr][td]Abundant Inventory Support

Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete one of the [ADV Support] Inventory Expansion! quests[/td]
Organic Feed x50[/td]
[tr][td]Pets, Loyal Companions

Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete one of the [ADV Support] Pets, Loyal Companions quests[/td]
Mount Skill Change Coupon x3[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 21.

Reach Lv. 57 on a season character[/td]
Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x5[/td]
[tr][td]Bountiful Spoils with Scrolls!

Use the Item Collection Increase Gauge at Level 2[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x500[/td]
[tr][td]Abundant Junk!

Consume 1,000 Agrils Fever points[/td]
Refined Magical Black Stone x200[/td]
[tr][td]Weekly Chance to Get Stronger!

Quests (O) → [Recurring] tab → Complete one of the [Season Weekly] Stronger Tuvala Gear quests[/td]
Tuvala Ore x200[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 3.

Enhance a Tuvala main weapon to TRI (III) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
Frozen Tides Black Stone[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 4.

Enhance a Tuvala Necklace to DUO (II) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
Rift's Echo Box

  • contains Rift's Echo x2[/td]
    [tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 22.

Reach Lv. 58 on a season character[/td]
Boiling Tides Black Stone[/td]
[tr][td]Magically-filled Naderr’s Band!

  • Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete the [Lv. 58] Naderr's Band questline[/td]
    [Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
    [tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 23.

Reach Lv. 59 on a season character[/td]
[Event] Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)[/td]
[tr][td]The Legendary Blacksmiths?!

Complete the [Combat] [Lv. 51] Blackstar Weapons According to the Legendary Blacksmith or listen to the Black Spirit's explanation[/td]
Resplendent Kydict's Crystal Box

  • contains Resplendent Kydict's Crystal - Adventure x2[/td]
    [tr][td]More Precious Than Silver

Learn about Silver buffs from a storage keeper[/td]
Advice of Valks (+60)[/td]
[tr][td]Shakatu’s Hidden Treasure

  • Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete the [Lv. 60] Bag of the Stars questline, then get your Family Inventory

  • Talk to the Black Spirit (/)[/td]
    Advice of Valks (+70)[/td]
    [tr][td]All Are Equal Before Me

Defeat 1 boss from the Dark Rift[/td]
Advice of Valks(+80)[/td]
Defeat Igor Bartali, Chief of Velia, at a game of Yar![/td]
Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x5[/td]
[tr][td]How to Get a Powerful Accessory 1

Complete the Old Moon Guild's Trade Offer quest[/td]
Item Collection Increase Scroll x10[/td]
[tr][td]How to Get a Powerful Accessory 2

Complete the [Season] Old Moon Guild Special Monster Mission daily quest[/td]
Cron Stone x100[/td]
[tr][td]Adventure Filled Logs!

Complete Igor Bartali’s Adventures Volume 1 Chapter 2[/td]
Combat or Life Box[/td]
[tr][td]The Adventurer That Does It All!

Complete the [Season] [Life 101] The Adventurer That Does It All quest[/td]
Valks' Cry x30[/td]
[tr][td]A Whole New Experience Presented by Fughar!

Complete the [Season] Fughar's Special Timepiece quest[/td]
[Season] Crow Merchants Guild Training Certificate x7[/td]

What if I’ve already or have yet to graduate from the season?

[table equalcells=1][tr]
[th]Season Character Status[/th]
[th]New Season Access[/th][/tr][tr]
[td][color=#ff851b]Upon acquiring the Season Character Creation Coupon[/color]
Season Character Creation available[/td][/tr][tr]
[td][color=#ff851b]Upon graduating with the current character[/color]
Season Character Creation available[/td][/tr][/table]

  • Previously selectable graduation rewards remain the same.
Black Desert TW Depot 582667
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