New Season! Shall we take a look?
What's a Season Server?
- **Combat EXP +300%
- Skill EXP +100%
- Life EXP (excludes Trading) +30%
- Easily-enchanted Season-exclusive gear
- Season Pass rewards
and other various benefits await on these [color=#ff851b]rapid growth servers**[/color]!
Why is now the best time to start?
[color=#ff851b]Now you can start and graduate[/color] from the season at your pace!
[table equalcells=1][tr]
[th]Claim Season Graduation Rewards[/th][/tr][tr]
[td]Start Now[/td]
[td][✔] with current Season Character
[✔] with newly-created Season Character[/td][/tr][tr]
[td]Start Later [/td]
[td][✔] with newly-created Season Character[/td][/tr][/table]
Preview the Season Graduation rewards!
*[color=#ff851b] Enhancement chance increase items
- Top-quality accessory
- Combat/Skill EXP +200%/+30% scrolls
- Pearl Shop buff items
- Item Collection Increase Scrolls[/color]**
What’s so new with the season servers?
Season Character Creation
[table equalcells=1][tr]
[td][Current Season]
Character creation available
only once the season begins[/td]
[td]**[New Season]
[color=#ff851b]Character creation available[/color]
with season character creation coupon**[/td][/tr][/table]
* What's a Season Character Creation Coupon?
- Starting from mid-Sept, these coupons will be issued periodically and will remain in your inventory until you use them!
Season Duration
[table equalcells=1][tr]
[Current Season]
Season servers are available only during a specific duration[/td]
[td]**[New Season]
[color=#ff851b]Always available[/color]**[/td][/tr][/table]
Season Graduation
[table equalcells=1][tr]
[td][Current Season]
Graduate during a specific duration[/td]
[td]**[New Season]
[color=#ff851b]Graduate whenever you like[/color]**[/td][/tr][/table]
**The bountiful Season Pass
can now be carried out with each [color=#ff851b]new season character![/color]**
[table equalcells=1][tr]
[td][color=#ff851b]Season Pass[/color]
Begins with each
[Season Character Creation Coupon]![/td][/tr][/table]
What's a Season Pass?
Experience Black Desert by completing objectives and claiming multiple rewards!
[color=#ff851b]* Seasonal Gear / Guaranteed-enhancement Accessory materials
Inventory Slot Expansion Coupons
Skill EXP boosting items
Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scrolls[/color]
Login with your Season Character, then click the Black Spirit button to the left of the minimap to access the Season Pass!
Season Pass rewards are suspect to change.
Season Pass Rewards
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 1.**
Reach Lv. 5 on a season character[/td]
Inventory +2 Expansion[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 2.
Reach Lv. 10 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Secret Book of the Misty Breeze x3
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 3.
Reach Lv. 15 on a season character[/td]
Elion's Tear x5[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 4.
Reach Lv. 18 on a season character[/td]
Finto's Box of Juices (L) x2[/td]
[tr][td]Black Spirit's Gift!
Complete the Black Spirit's Gift (Inventory Slot) quest[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x20[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 5.
Reach Lv. 20 on a season character[/td]
Inventory +2 Expansion[/td]
[tr][td]Horses, the Adventurer’s Companion
Complete the [Horse Emblem] Seal of the Secret Guards quest[/td]
Horse Emblem: Fine Horse Qualification
with skills S: Instant Accel, Instant Accel, and S: Sideways at 100%[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 6.
Reach Lv. 21 on a season character[/td]
Fughar's Riding Crop[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 7.
Reach Lv. 23 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 8.
Reach Lv. 25 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x30[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 9.
Reach Lv. 30 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x50[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 1.
Enhance a Naru main weapon to +3 or higher, then equip it[/td]
Inventory +2 Expansion[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 2.
Enhance Naru Armor to +3 or higher, then equip it[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 10.
Reach Lv. 35 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x50[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 11.
Reach Lv. 37 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x100[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 12.
Reach Lv. 40 on a season character[/td]
Mount Skill Change Coupon x2[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 13.
Reach Lv. 43 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x70[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 14.
Reach Lv. 45 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x150[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 15.
Reach Lv. 47 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]To a Higher Goal
After reaching Level 49, talk to the Black Spirit (/) and complete the [To Level 50!] Go Beyond Your Own Limits quest[/td]
Finto's Box of Juices (L) x5[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 16.
Reach Lv. 50 on a season character[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Weapon) x100[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 3.
Enhance a Naru main weapon to +15 or higher, then equip it[/td]
Beginner Black Stone (Armor) x200[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 4.
Enhance Naru Armor to +15 or higher, then equip it[/td]
[Event] Tachros' Spirit Stone[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 5.
Enhance Naru sub-weapon to +15 or higher, then equip it[/td]
Mount Skill Change Coupon x3[/td]
[tr][td]Adventure Together!
Press the Guild (G) key to view the Guild Information or Guild Recruitment windows[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x100[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 6.
Enhance a Naru main weapon to PEN (V), then equip it[/td]
Advice of Valks (+30) x3[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Naru Adventure Gear 7.
Enhance a Naru armor to PEN (V), then equip it[/td]
Refined Magical Black Stone x100[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 17.
Reach Lv. 52 on a season character[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 1
Enhance a Tuvala main weapon to DUO (II) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
High-Quality Food Box x5[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 18.
Reach Lv. 53 on a season character[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x200[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 19.
Reach Lv. 55 on a season character[/td]
Tuvala Ore x100[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 20.
Reach Lv. 56 on a season character[/td]
High-Quality Draught Box x5[/td]
[tr][td]A Whole New Me
Reach Lv. 56 and complete the Awakening or Succession questline[/td]
Advice of Valks (+40) x3[/td]
[tr][td]Different Skills for Different Situations
- Complete the Succession, Awakening, Ascension, or Talent questlines, then talk to your Black Spirit
- Complete the [Skill Preset Coupon] Using a Variety of Skills quest[/td]
Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x3[/td]
[tr][td]How to Perfect Your Skills
Learn about Skill Add-ons from a Skill Instructor[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 2.
Enhance a Tuvala Ring to PRI (I) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x300[/td]
[tr][td]My Flying Friend
Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete the [ADV Support] Fairy, Mysterious Companion questline
Talk to the Black Spirit (/)[/td]
Advice of Valks (+50)[/td]
[tr][td]Abundant Inventory Support
Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete one of the [ADV Support] Inventory Expansion! quests[/td]
Organic Feed x50[/td]
[tr][td]Pets, Loyal Companions
Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete one of the [ADV Support] Pets, Loyal Companions quests[/td]
Mount Skill Change Coupon x3[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 21.
Reach Lv. 57 on a season character[/td]
Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x5[/td]
[tr][td]Bountiful Spoils with Scrolls!
Use the Item Collection Increase Gauge at Level 2[/td]
Time-filled Black Stone x500[/td]
[tr][td]Abundant Junk!
Consume 1,000 Agrils Fever points[/td]
Refined Magical Black Stone x200[/td]
[tr][td]Weekly Chance to Get Stronger!
Quests (O) → [Recurring] tab → Complete one of the [Season Weekly] Stronger Tuvala Gear quests[/td]
Tuvala Ore x200[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 3.
Enhance a Tuvala main weapon to TRI (III) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
Frozen Tides Black Stone[/td]
[tr][td]Equipping Tuvala Adventure Gear 4.
Enhance a Tuvala Necklace to DUO (II) or higher, then equip it.[/td]
Rift's Echo Box
- contains Rift's Echo x2[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 22.
Reach Lv. 58 on a season character[/td]
Boiling Tides Black Stone[/td]
[tr][td]Magically-filled Naderr’s Band!
- Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete the [Lv. 58] Naderr's Band questline[/td]
[Season] Summer Seal x10[/td]
[tr][td]Leveling Up, One Step at a Time! 23.
Reach Lv. 59 on a season character[/td]
[Event] Sealed Book of Combat (7 Days)[/td]
[tr][td]The Legendary Blacksmiths?!
Complete the [Combat] [Lv. 51] Blackstar Weapons According to the Legendary Blacksmith or listen to the Black Spirit's explanation[/td]
Resplendent Kydict's Crystal Box
- contains Resplendent Kydict's Crystal - Adventure x2[/td]
[tr][td]More Precious Than Silver
Learn about Silver buffs from a storage keeper[/td]
Advice of Valks (+60)[/td]
[tr][td]Shakatu’s Hidden Treasure
Quests (O) → [Suggested] tab → Complete the [Lv. 60] Bag of the Stars questline, then get your Family Inventory
Talk to the Black Spirit (/)[/td]
Advice of Valks (+70)[/td]
[tr][td]All Are Equal Before Me
Defeat 1 boss from the Dark Rift[/td]
Advice of Valks(+80)[/td]
Defeat Igor Bartali, Chief of Velia, at a game of Yar![/td]
Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll (60 min) x5[/td]
[tr][td]How to Get a Powerful Accessory 1
Complete the Old Moon Guild's Trade Offer quest[/td]
Item Collection Increase Scroll x10[/td]
[tr][td]How to Get a Powerful Accessory 2
Complete the [Season] Old Moon Guild Special Monster Mission daily quest[/td]
Cron Stone x100[/td]
[tr][td]Adventure Filled Logs!
Complete Igor Bartali’s Adventures Volume 1 Chapter 2[/td]
Combat or Life Box[/td]
[tr][td]The Adventurer That Does It All!
Complete the [Season] [Life 101] The Adventurer That Does It All quest[/td]
Valks' Cry x30[/td]
[tr][td]A Whole New Experience Presented by Fughar!
Complete the [Season] Fughar's Special Timepiece quest[/td]
[Season] Crow Merchants Guild Training Certificate x7[/td]
What if I’ve already or have yet to graduate from the season?
[table equalcells=1][tr]
[th]Season Character Status[/th]
[th]New Season Access[/th][/tr][tr]
[td][color=#ff851b]Upon acquiring the Season Character Creation Coupon[/color]
Season Character Creation available[/td][/tr][tr]
[td][color=#ff851b]Upon graduating with the current character[/color]
Season Character Creation available[/td][/tr][/table]
- Previously selectable graduation rewards remain the same.
Changed files in this update