Crypt of the NecroDancer v3.7.3 is now available!
New features
- Added an option to swap the A/B and X/Y controller button icons in the HUD
Modding features
Added parameter [noparse]ev.knockbackSuppressed[/noparse] to [noparse]event.objectDealDamage[/noparse]/[noparse]objectTakeDamage[/noparse]
- If set to [noparse]true[/noparse], knockback is disabled for this attack, separately from the distance specified in [noparse]ev.knockback[/noparse]
- If set to [noparse]false[/noparse], knockback is always applied for this attack, even for otherwise suppressed hits
- If [noparse]nil[/noparse] (default), knockback is applied if the attack was not suppressed
Added functions [noparse]fear.setRemainingTurns()[/noparse]/[noparse]fear.getRemainingTurns()[/noparse]
Added function [noparse]statusEffect.isActive()[/noparse]
Added data field [noparse]training[/noparse] to enum [noparse]boss.Type[/noparse], which can be set to [noparse]false[/noparse] to avoid generating training stairs in the lobby
Gameplay bugfixes
- Fixed Blademasters resisting knockback on parried hits
- Fixed Transaction Panels in secret shops being destroyed if the tile beneath them is changed
Interface bugfixes
- Fixed long key names being split up across lines in some languages
Modding bugfixes
- Fixed enum [noparse]boss.Type[/noparse] data field [noparse]splashTitle[/noparse] not affecting the name displayed on the boss intro screen
- Fixed custom equipment sprites not rendering if they use filtered textures
- Fixed modded enemies inheriting from the Skeleton template appearing as Fortissimole audience members
- Fixed error in [noparse]event.objectDig[/noparse] if [noparse]ev.flags.checkAllTiles[/noparse] is set without [noparse]ev.radius[/noparse]
Changed files in this update