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No Creeps Were Harmed TD update for 29 August 2023

Update 0.1.8

Share · View all patches · Build 12062496 · Last edited 29 August 2023 – 20:32:09 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

-Endless mode no longer aggressively scales in difficulty, allowing players to get much further into it. To counter artifact farming in early maps, each map will have its own XP / Score rate value, instead of the flat 20%. The first 3 maps are limited to 10% XP / Score rate in endless and this value will increase as the maps get more difficult. Maps at the mid point onward have 30%. This is a pretty big change and will likely require further tuning and tweaks.

-Toxic launcher min range reduced to 2.5 from 3.

-Conveyance: Fixed one incorrect bridge direction.
-Invert: Start cred increased from 850 to 1150.
-Invert: Increased build space on middle platform.
-Decks and Cascade have traded places in the list, as well as reward values.

-Fixed toxic launcher and artillery sometimes missing creeps.
-Easy mode will now give you 500 extra start cred.
-Very Easy mode will now give you 1000 extra start cred.

Windows 64-bit Depot 1932261
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