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ORX update for 29 August 2023

Kingdom Come — Content Update

Share · View all patches · Build 12061399 · Last edited 29 August 2023 – 20:33:37 UTC by Wendy

Patchnotes via Steam Community

Greetings, Kings and Queens!

Just in time for the 1st year in Early Access we've prepared the next big update! The Kingdom Come update brings Villages, Advisors, and changes to ORX, laying the basis for the game to be more exciting and engaging!

Elemental Villages

Elemental Villages are the evolution of the idea behind the Neutral Buildings and Attribute Vaults. Back when we introduced them, our goal was to incentivise spreading your city around the map in order to get the bonuses provided by the Neutral Buildings. However, since the auras were only 3x3 tiles in size, you could only do so much with their buffs — and for Dune Reavers there was no point in sitting inside them since ORX rarely got close enough to make use of the bonuses. And so using the Neutral buildings and Attribute Vaults became a very niche strategy, but it didn’t solve the underlying issue.

Now it’s time to make the missions feel like you’re uniting an actual Kingdom! To claim a village you just need to build something on a tile adjacent to it — same as always. After that, you’ll receive a global buff, tied to the village’s corresponding element. But wait, there’s more! By completing village quests you can increase the potency of the buff and, eventually, transform the village into an additional Town Center! And you’ll really want those extra “hearts”, because of…

ORX perks and rebalance


In their unending crusade to eradicate all life, the ORX acquired new skills. For example, ORX Besieger now permanently lowers the maximum health of the buildings he attacks. And even the feeble ORX Archers became a bigger menace! Not only that, but the ORX will also capture unclaimed Elemental Villages, converting them into camps that spawn additional elemental ORX every night. As a player, you’re encouraged to find weak points in their strategy and come up with an effective way to beat the Greenskins. And to help you with this, we have two more new additions.


Sometimes you need a specific thing to help you turn the tide of battle, and the Advisors offer precisely that. While they’re not a “get out of jail free” card, the Advisors can help you where it counts by providing specific cards to complement your deck. Each Advisor follows a certain theme and will grant you his powers when you play their card. However, you have to be mindful about using them as they operate on Fragile charges — a new type of card charges which do not restore at the end of the mission. This is the first iteration of the Advisors, and we already have plans to make them even more impactful, while also introducing an engaging way to restore the Fragile charges.

Card Shop

To deal with more specialised enemies you need more specialized tools. Previously, adding skills and global changes to the ORX would be impossible, as the cards a player can get for a deck were randomized. But now, there is an easier way to get the cards you need for your strategy to work. At the start of every act, you will be greeted by the Card Shop, with a selection of cards, artifacts, means to remove unwanted items, and buttons to increase or decrease the Corruption. The Card Shop uses a new currency called Crowns, which you get for winning a mission. Together with random Events and Vaults, you’ll get your core build running in no time!


Of course, these changes are only the beginning — both because we have more ideas and because we want to hear what you think of the changes! Share your feedback anywhere you’d like — in ORX Steam Discussions, our official Discord server, or even in the comments under this post!


  • Introduced Elemental Villages — global buffs, transforming into Town Center, ORX camps
  • Introduced The Advisors — Fragile charges, 4 Advisor archetypes for each faction
  • Introduced the Card Shop — Crowns, card removal, Corruption level change
  • Introduced ORX perks — ORX gain perks depending on the Corruption levels.
  • ORX wave rebalance — now waves usually feature only 1 or 2 ORX types
  • ORX clans remake — each clan now consists of a single ORX type
  • New ORX clans — support clans
  • New ORX type — flying ORX healer
  • Town Center rebalance — now all Town Centers are equipped with towers and 3 rune slots
  • Corruption changes — now it has levels 0-4 instead of operating on a scale of 0-100
  • Elemental effects rebalance — any object can reach only 1 level for any element. Any subsequent elemental effects rewrite the previous one
  • Weather effects rebalance
  • New animation for building destruction
  • New animation for building restoration
  • VFX for certain ORX perks
  • New visuals for Town Center
  • Elemental VIllages VFX
  • VFX changes to all projectiles for improved coloring
  • Fixed a rare bug causing the endless loading in the final mission of Act 4
  • Fixed Boss death animation not playing when a Boss is defeated
  • Fixed Giga ORX beam damaging only one target
  • Fixed the Neuro Rune not working
  • Fixed a rare bug causing the game to freeze when pausing the mission as Dune Reavers
  • Fixed multiple assorted crashes
  • Other minor bug fixes

See you in the next update, and don't forget to follow us on Social Media for the news, memes and just generally good time!

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