-Updated GUI button sprites to hand-drawn ones
-Added "change type" input indicator to wardrobe as many players missed the fact you can change your knife as well
-Added new pop-up message when collecting the first film reel
-Added cheese slicer animation to loading screen duct (previously Mousey sprinting)
Features / new things
-Added POI (point of interest head tracking). Mousey now tries to look at nearby cheese, peppers, enemies, etc.
-Changed the key collecting animation and key position to a leg pouch due to new back cosmetics overlapping with it
-Added bats and birds outside the windows
-Added controller rumble on damage (generic and electric)
-Added support for more cosmetics (chest, hips)
-Added few new cosmetic items (more will be coming soon)
-Added "early supporter" exclusive cape
-Made wardrobe camera positions transition smoothly (previously cut instantly)
-Mousey can now be rotated in the wardrobe (with mouse or right analog stick)
Bug fixes
-Fixed level select's "wall mounted cheese" giving you the "Stinky" achievement
-Fixed baked lighting errors in various spots
-Added a collider for the "cheeseball agents" picture frame in bedroom
Misc. fixes/changes
-Made minor changes to the burning orange juice smoke particles in kitchen
-Made minor changes to the fire trail when using a pepper
-Increased the chance of "fast train" in playroom (previously 1%, now 2%)
-More higher poly models and higher res textures
-Changed health pick-up colors and size
-Removed banana colliders in loading duct
-Slightly moved one of the TWEP coins in living room
-Slightly moved one of the TWEP coins in bedroom
-Minor lighting changes everywhere
-When using the auto sprint option, Mousey now walks when pressing the sprint button/key
-Wardrobe rotating broken with analog stick
-Bats sometimes enter the bedroom
-Chopped bananas have the full banana collider
These will be fixed shortly
Changed files in this update